Rain City Chickens have arrived!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Sooooo.... I finally finished my coop.

It's not the Taj Mahal, but it's not an outhouse either. It turned out pretty much like I had envisioned...(once I gathered all the materials). My overall construction costs was about $40. I felt stuck at times and a bit overwhelmed. Encouragement always came when I needed it. My housemates were kind in letting the girls stay with us inside for...... ..... ten weeks. Thank you's to all of them.

I tried to break down the pages and included lots of pictures...perhaps too many... but I do have more! Maybe it'll help someone out.

I totally appreciate y'all checkin' it out and for your feed back. I'm happy to take more pictures and answer questions, offer encouragement anytime. It's been a looong process with hours upon hours of research. It's cool to have a community like this to share ideas. Maybe someday I'll make the index page or even be on the Seattle chicken coop garden tour.....
Way to go on the coop. I will be thinking of you as I drive by on my way to see my DD and SiL. You have created a very NW style coop.
Welp. It's been a couple weeks and only 3Chickens, Justbugged and Mahonri commented... Maybe I did something wrong? Thank you to you three for your compliments. Guess my coop isn't so great after all....
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I think your coop is really nice! I was lucky enough to have an already-standing ( sort of....
) outbuilding upon which to start my chicken empire, so seeing how you got yours together is great...I am considering switching to our type of watering system.....BTW, any eggs yet?
Hi Long Last Farm,
That's so great that someone else built your coop/aka you were able use what was leaning/existing. I encountered some hurdles unexpectedly in the process that slowed me down and were a bit frustrating...the results were what I had in mind once I was able to get in my mind what I wanted.

You have a chicken empire? Is it really that addicting? How do you water your chickens now? I gotta tell ya, the nipple style is and was the best $8 I spent. The coop stays dry. Their water stays clean. I really wanted to salvage a pipe or something for a gutter to catch the rain water, run it through my simi-busted brita water filter, and have an overflow valve.... One thing we have plenty of is rain in Seattle. Why not take advantage, right? Uncle Neil said the nipple sys will water up to 6 birds. His info is on my water page. I only know him via this site and getting my supplies from him. Oh! I made the setup for a friend who's girls are also 2 months older than mine, and just a couple weeks ago, I helped her install it. I caught each of her birds, held their heads and used their beaks to tap the nipple thing. I felt them swallow. For a couple days, I'd tap tap tap the spout hoping they'd catch on. My friend was afraid they were too old to figure it out. But they did! All that to say, go for it. May not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but chickens are a different breed? lol

Sadly, no eggs yet. My friend (who stole my chicken idea
) just got his first egg a couple days ago. I got my girls on May 1... so I'm guessing they won't lay until Oct? It's all theoretical at this point. I can't even get them to eat grown up (human) food. Watermelon yes, but no to broccoli, lettuce, only sometimes bread. Any suggestions there?
Luke13:34 :

Nicely done. Love the front door, the glass on one side, and the raiseable roof!

Thanks Luke!!! (clever verse--sad I didn't think of it myself) Driving around town with friends, one always points out the glass at the bus stops. "Hey! Isn't that the glass you used in your coop?" I smile and laugh. I have a panel for the skylight, but have had to cover it up with these toasty days. At least in the winter, the girls will have more light and not suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
The solid fir door was such a find. I felt really bad cutting it down, but it does make it look more Hobit-like. Thank you for saying hello.​

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