Raising Chicks In a Portacot



Sep 1, 2017
Hi everyone, I’m Sage and I am from Australia. This may be a bad idea, not sure so that’s why I’m here. So, I have 8 hens at home and have have had chickens for quite a few years now, but have never raised any (I let my broody hens raise them). I started to think what if I wanted to raise day old chicks so I can choose how many I want and know that they will all mostly make it compared to fertile eggs where not all the eggs hatch. Yesterday I went to a pet store and they had a chick kit, with a heat lamp, feeder and drinker and those enclosure, which is similar to this picture.

When they grow feathers I have enclosures outsides they can live in. Then I was starting to think that area was too small for when they grow, and we have an old portacot we don’t use anymore, so I thought, hey!, why not use the portacot instead of throwing it away? We have pergola area outside so there are brick walls and a roof so it would be protected by wind and rain, for the heat lamp to keep them warm, I can run a extension cord from the garage to there and clamp the heat lamp on one of the 4 sides of the portacot. Would that be okay? Are heat lamps good? To chick proof the portacot, I would put cardboard on the bottom and then put a layer of wood shavings. Do I need to put cardboard on the sides? Here is an image for those who may be unsure of what a portacot is. My portacot has 2 sides covered and other 2 sides are like the one in the image. So what do you guys think? Any suggestions if I were to use the portacot? I can also put it inside we would get rid of the sound and smell if we put them under the pergola. Also what’s better, using heat pads for heat lamps? Thank you in advance!
I think that would be fine since you're putting it in an already protected area. Don't use a heat lamp. You can either get something like a Sweeter Heater, which I used this last time and just love, or you can make a Mama Heating Pad, which is a DIY project. The MHP is basically a frame made of wire with a heating pad that doesn't have auto turn off on it. The chicks can go under it for heat and come out at will. I made one using PVC pipe and fence material. Pretty easy and there are several thread in the raising and hatching chicks forum. Just search MHP or Mama Heating Pad. Here is a link to the Sweeter Heater, worth the money if you have it to spend. It comes in different sizes, this one being the largest.
I think that would be fine since you're putting it in an already protected area. Don't use a heat lamp. You can either get something like a Sweeter Heater, which I used this last time and just love, or you can make a Mama Heating Pad, which is a DIY project. The MHP is basically a frame made of wire with a heating pad that doesn't have auto turn off on it. The chicks can go under it for heat and come out at will. I made one using PVC pipe and fence material. Pretty easy and there are several thread in the raising and hatching chicks forum. Just search MHP or Mama Heating Pad. Here is a link to the Sweeter Heater, worth the money if you have it to spend. It comes in different sizes, this one being the largest.
Thank you! Could I use something like this as well? It’s a Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder, similar to the link you posted.


Any tips for raising chicks in a brooder? How many do you think I could keep in a portacot?
Thank you! Could I use something like this as well? It’s a Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder, similar to the link you posted.

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Any tips for raising chicks in a brooder? How many do you think I could keep in a portacot?
A lot of people like those heaters. I tried one and sent it back because it was burning my chick. The Sweeter Heater is a radiant heat that the chick doesn't need to touch at all. I would go with a MHP before the Brinsea.

How long will they be in the brooder? Some people have them out in the coop in 6 weeks. What are the dimensions of the portacot and how many chicks are you thinking of getting?
# of chicks depends on the size of your portacot. Main concern with using this is that it's not predator proof, so you'd need to put it somewhere predator proof or do something to predator proof it since it's just soft cloth mesh sides. Cardboard on sides may or may not be a good idea... you definitely want to block any drafts from coming in if the pergola walls aren't enough to do the trick, but also leave open adequate ventilation. It needs to be covered as well, both to protect chicks and to keep them from possibly jumping out once they get bigger.

I 100% would not use a heat lamp with this, it's just begging for a fire since this is a cloth-like material instead of something like a metal tub. I use a MHP though a brooding plate is also a possible choice as long as it doesn't run too hot.
I didn't even think about this. I guess I thought a pergola with brick walls was secure. If it's open like a gazebo, then I agree. It's not going to work.

Pergolas are open structures by definition, no? Even if there's some walls or half walls that's still going to leave this set up exposed to the possibility of something coming in and getting the chicks.
Pergolas are open structures by definition, no? Even if there's some walls or half walls that's still going to leave this set up exposed to the possibility of something coming in and getting the chicks.
A quick google search says you're right. I just didn't know what it was and OP said brick walls...I assumed it was safe. Putting chicks outside basically in a play pen and thinking they are safe wasn't even a thought in my head. :lau
A quick google search says you're right. I just didn't know what it was and OP said brick walls...I assumed it was safe. Putting chicks outside basically in a play pen and thinking they are safe wasn't even a thought in my head. :lau
Whats the matter? Why wouldn’t they be safe. There’s no predators where I live and I know that for a fact. My pergola is different which I should’ve mentioned and the opened sides are covered by blinds so it is well protected. When they’re fully feathered I’ll move to another enclosure I have outside. I’ll use a heating pad... I’ll only be buying like 5 chicks which is a good size as I have a portacot which is a pretty big.
There’s no predators where I live and I know that for a fact. My pergola is different which I should’ve mentioned and the opened sides are covered by blinds so it is well protected. I’ll use a heating pad... I’ll only be buying like 5 chicks which is a good size as I have a portacot which is a pretty big.

Photo of your pergola? Are the blinds metal and bolted into the frame or something (I have no idea!) I know Australia doesn't have the same predators but I doubt there's no predators at all - no stray dogs or snakes?

5 chicks should be fine in this set up I think, with a heating pad. Just make sure you have a heating pad with a no auto shut off feature (most modern heating pads auto shut off at 1 or 2 hrs).

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