Raising feeder insects

I am certain that your birds would love you for herding the ants in their direction! This whole thing has me thinking. I bet using sawdust and shredded paper in the nesting box would eventually eliminate all the termites in the neighborhood!
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Ohhhh, one more project, but at least this one is easy. I don't do any "isides" at all ever, so this may be a very effective way for me to deal with my ant troubles.
I've been thinking about your idea and started wondering do you think the sweet would attract raccoons? or other preditors?
We raise red worms, and this summer I'll probably make a bucket for the soldier fly grubs. They got into my worm bin while it was outside last year, so I know we have them. They'll provide enough of a protein treat to add to their regular rations and make things interesting for the girls.
When I read your question I thought " I don't know the answer". So I googled
"what attracts racoons".
Here is what I found at wiki.answers.com

Raccoons eat a variety of plants and animals. They will eat... grains, acorns, wild berries, fruits, frogs, clams, mice, rabbits, white grubs, beetles, duck eggs, chicken eggs, sweet corn, peanuts, bread, peanut butter, cat food, dog food, fiddler crabs, fish, grapes, baby birds, snakes, and even marshmallows. They will pretty much eat what is available.

Seems to me that your chickens or anything you feed your chickens might attract them. You just need to prepare a defense. My black Lab is my first line of defense. Works pretty good so far.​
My shop vac turned bio pod is almost complete it just needs a filter, next trip to walmart and I will get one of the cheap airconditioning filters and it will be ready to go. So in about 1 month the girls should be feasting on black soldier fly larva!!!
One project down only 999 to go!
Here it is my homemade biopod from a broken shop vac, broken box fan and a few spare parts!!!! It is sitting on the bucket for ease of pic taking, I think I will need one minor adjustment to the length of the exit tubing.





I'm putting veggie/fruit scraps and chicken poo in it today and putting it outside!!!
Then it won't be long until chickies are
at least I
Neat setup!

I just tossed this out there with what larvae were left. If I can get a couple to breed then that should set us up. If I ever get enough going I am selling them excess as starter kits for cheap!


BSF are just a lot of fun. Here is a recording I did of what they sound like!

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Sound

I am working on a real set up that self harvests and breeds without much care from me. A fun summer project!
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