Raising indoor ducks?

Hi brittreese, that's awesome that you are preparing ahead of time for your new ducklings. Here's a list of "must-haves" that we used when we got our 2 ducklings this past Spring:

For the first couple of weeks:
1. A cardboard box (about 3'L 'x 2'W x 2'H to start with then move up as they grow) to put them in. Depending on when in the Spring they'll be arriving and warm the surrounding environment where they'll be kept, the cardboard box helps with insulation.
2. Newspapers to line the boxes under the bedding.
3. Pine bedding for easier cleanup. Do not use cedar. Walmart is the cheapest. Also, very important - DO NOT throw the used bedding into your garden. I did and it literally sucked the life out of my plants. I lost a very nice apricot tree and about 20 tomato plants by doing so.
4. Two bowls (one for food, one for water) that they can't knock over.
5. Heat lamp with a clamp. Lowes had the best price.
6. Cheap thermometer to keep inside the box
7. Plastic liners to line the sides of the box. Ducks poop sideways! Lining the bottom of the box also kept the box from getting soaked allowed us to not having to go through so many cardboard boxes. Only downside was having to hose down (and cleaning with soap) the plastic daily when we changed the bedding and newspaper.
8. Duck shoes. HIGHLY recommended. Order them now as it DOES take MONTHS for them to get shipped, no matter what their website says!!!! Also, make sure you make a note on the order form to ask for left AND right shoes. You'd think it's intuitive or the shoe makers to know, but they don't. They sent use 2 left shoes for both ducks and our ducks now walk around with 1 shoe. Didn't notice this until it was too late to return the shoes and we didn't want to wait another 2 months for new shoes:/ Bumblefoot is inevitable and extremely heartbreaking and expensive. Pay the money and get them on as soon as the ducks can go outside. I can't recommend a good place b/c our shoes keeping falling off of the ducks.
9. Duck diapers, if you plan on letting them in the house, go for car rides, etc. Start the training asap. Again, these also take FOREVER to ship and then some more when they don't fit right and you have to send them back for modifications.

From ~3 weeks until they move to a coop:
1. A large (about 40 gallons), long plastic storage container for when they outgrow the cardboard boxes.
2. Same as above for the rest, except the thermometer. With more container space, we then moved up to a Cool Whip tub for the water and that worked well because it was high enough to keep them out of the water for awhile, yet big enough to hold enough that they couldn't knock over.
3. If you have any mulch/bark in your backyard, start getting rid of them now because the ducks will step on them and get splinters which will lead to bumblefoot.

Hope I didn't leave anything out. Good luck!!!
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I forgot to mention one thing. Use a deep tray under the water and food bowls to catch all the water for when they eat and drink. Btw, if you can have the bowls hang, that would be ideal as the ducks ALWAYS stepped in the bowls (and knocked them over).
Spots is 4 month mallard drake. He imprinted on me and is a single duck. I have tried giving him to a home with other ducks but he never really joined them. He loved everyone but now he attacks anyone that comes near him when I holding him. He runs when I try to pick him up but once I have him he loves his snuggles. Is he stressed cause he is alone. I take him to a house with 1 duck lots of chickens and 3 turkeys. But he is in a big dog kennel by himself. So they can see him but not get to him
Spots is 4 month mallard drake. He imprinted on me and is a single duck. I have tried giving him to a home with other ducks but he never really joined them. He loved everyone but now he attacks anyone that comes near him when I holding him. He runs when I try to pick him up but once I have him he loves his snuggles. Is he stressed cause he is alone. I take him to a house with 1 duck lots of chickens and 3 turkeys. But he is in a big dog kennel by himself. So they can see him but not get to him

Sounds like your darling duck is saying that you belong to him.
My girl Walter does this. She chases the dogs and cats away from my husband and I.
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Do you think he runs cause he doesn't want to be put up he use to stay by my side, he is fine once I have him
No my gal does that too. My vet said its because they don't see things well so we just look like a giant blob coming at them. She said to get down closer to their level so they can see you better. I've done it with Walter and she seems calmer. She still skitters out of they way but she's not as bad. I also talk to her and let her come over to me first.
Also Walter has to be where I am all the time pretty much. Because she imprinted on me. She sleeps in my bedroom in a dog bed and when I go downstairs she goes too. She gets very distressed if I'm home and not around her.
Maybe that's what's happening with your fella? He's imprinted on you so he thinks of you as a companion and when you're not there he's sad.
I need some help..I don't have ducks right now but I will in the spring. When I get them what will I have to keep the ducklings in. Would I have to keep them in a box type thing with a heat lap? Or what? Please help.
Please check out this thread before you invest in a heat lamp. There is a safer, gentler, more natural alternative and although I have been doing this with chicks (6 batches so far, raised outside in a wire pen in the run) lots of people have joined the thread who are using it successfully with ducks and guineas. Geese have a little more trouble because of the length of their necks.

Also Walter has to be where I am all the time pretty much. Because she imprinted on me. She sleeps in my bedroom in a dog bed and when I go downstairs she goes too. She gets very distressed if I'm home and not around her.
Maybe that's what's happening with your fella? He's imprinted on you so he thinks of you as a companion and when you're not there he's sad.

He sleeps in my closet in a dog kennel lol. He is ready for bed around 9 every night. I take him into every room I go in. And any time I go somewhere he goes with me in a little carrier. He use to love people petting him but now he quacks at anyone that comes close

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