Random Pictures, Chickens, Ducks etc...more pic's page 4

My apples better not disapear, I curse everytime the wind blows and I find BUNCHES on the ground - I see some ON the tree are bruised from the hail - I'll be lucky to get one pot of Apple Butter.
I want to still dry some for kid treats! and also make some Apple Roll-ups!

Kier - the apple butter recipe is posted here - VERY YUMMY.
The Araucana is Blue - she's a funny girl who JUST started to lay - a lovely sky blue egg.

PC - those funny chickens are special order fly catchers!

PP - don't even THINK about Roast duck - that AINT gonna happen!
Where is Marlinchaser - those are his eggs that broody is sitting on - ok not HIS eggs
his guinea eggs - they're due to hatch in two days! I have a BO on 6 of them as well!
Isn't he pretty! He gets pushed around alot - the only ones he can pick on himself are the ducks, poor guy doesn't even get to sleep on the roost most nights - I might have to make a separate roost - a couple of the Araucana's get picked on when they try to get up to sleep.

I recognize Scouts MOM! The second and third pic, thats her.

How those ducks work for catchin flies? Ya SURE ya dont want some turkeys??? I have some folks wanna buy them, but prolly for dinner!
I feel like I am sacrificing my children!
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Isn't he pretty! He gets pushed around alot - the only ones he can pick on himself are the ducks, poor guy doesn't even get to sleep on the roost most nights - I might have to make a separate roost - a couple of the Araucana's get picked on when they try to get up to sleep.

Diesel used to get pushed around by the layer hens. Now he chases them down and stands on them. I think he doesn't understand what to do next.
One of those could be Scouts mom - I have three hens. Pop-corn, Candy-corn and Sweet-corn!
Two are broody and the one already got her prize!

The ducks are very good with the flies, they pick em right up - I've had them pick the flies that land on my hand or arm when I'm petting them - and they think I PRESENTED them with a treat
I'm not shy to take the credit!
Too funny - even the Araucana's push him around, and he is about the same size as them now! Silly boy - I dunno what my little roo is gonna think when the SS finally crows - gawd - he needs a name still, he WAS Molly
Too funny - even the Araucana's push him around, and he is about the same size as them now! Silly boy - I dunno what my little roo is gonna think when the SS finally crows - gawd - he needs a name still, he WAS Molly

His Daddy's name is Mack. Did I tell you the chick I hatched out from my SS eggs looks frizzled? I'll have to get some updated pics soon and show you.

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