Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

For information about vinegar and it's uses as well as how to make it get "The Vinegar Book"....I can't remember the author off the top of my head but I'm sure if you google it you can find out. My granny has this book and it is FASCINATING!
The mother in the vinegar is a culture~or a yeast~fungus, if you will. Sort of like rennet in cheese or yogurt. It helps in the fermenting process and contains "good" microbials, probiotics, etc. These all are helpful in fighting off the "bad" microbials.

Mother of vinegar, often tenderly called simply “mother”, is a slimy gelatinous material that is found in unpasteurized vinegar. In general it is the growth of acetic bacteria which are responsible for turning alcohol into vinegar. The acetic bacteria which are the heart of the mother of vinegar are usually filtered and killed by pasteurization in most non-organic vinegars. However, the mother of vinegar when present in the final product, especially that in cider vinegar, has countless health benefits.

As a preventative tonic, consuming mother of vinegar strengthens many body systems and improves the immune system. Specifically, mother of vinegar helps circulation by thinning the blood and combating bad cholesterol, removing mineral deposits that are responsible for arthritis and bursitis and helping the body achieve homeostasis with greater ease.

When taken on a daily basis, mother of vinegar serves as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It can also be use topically to control fungus or to clean a wound. Mother of vinegar applied to the skin can relieve itching, muscle pain, and certain skin rashes.

Mother of vinegar can also help you to lose weight. It is said to help to reduce the excess fat in cells, decreasing cellulite and promoting weight loss. As a supplement to a healthy diet and exercise, mother of vinegar will help shed pounds while actively supplying your body with additional benefits. About two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar that contains mother of vinegar should be taken daily. It is best to dilute it in a large glass of water mixed with honey to lessen the harsh taste of vinegar.​
Miss Prissy's recipe for vinegar is much easier to make, I have a gallon of it sitting in the closet to change over to the vinegar and I usually take a bout a quarter cup a day in my raspberry tea and this year is the first in years i have not had a cold. thanks Miss Prissy, no dr. visits this year.
I have used ACV recently when ill with ?food poisoning. It kept me from getting really really awfully sick. I wouldn't have even known about ACV except from reading the backyard poultry article and some posts on here. Since it works on me, I'll be trying it with the gals.
We used it for years with our meat rabbits. Whenever we had a bout of pink eye in our babies, a few days of ACV in the water bottles cleared it right up. We started using it more frequently as an immunity booster and found an interesting side effect that now many farmers are finding out....

You have more female offspring. Its not an old wive's tale at all. The vinegar changes the pH of the body and I don't know all the particulars but have been reading lately that it really works in animals of all sizes.

I read one article in which a farmer used it on his sheep herd and had an 80% female lamb return with an overall increase in multiple births, quicker and stronger wool growth and less illness. They now order their ACV in bulk!
Said this success has been repeated for several years now.

I recently had a broody hatch a batch of eggs and had 4:1 female to roo ratio on the hatch. I like those odds!
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