Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

Can I get the REAL ACV in a store?

Would anyone of you sell me and ship me some "mother" to start my own real ACV? If I were to get some "mother", what do I do with it to make a gal or more? Do you add it to water or what?........
You should be able to get raw ACV at a store. Usually the nutrition section, or perhaps a health food store as a last resort. Braggs has the mother in it as does Spectrum. Any brand that says that it is raw, unfiltered ACV with the mother in it. ( if it says it is raw, and unfiltered but doesn't say it has the mother in it, look for a slimey opaque thing in the bottle. You can use that mother as a starter for your own ACV. Look up online on how to make it. If I remember right, "Happy Herbalist" tells you how to make it, and I think even sells the "mother" as well. While you're at it, look up kombucha tea on his site. It is extremely healthy for you, and is chock full of good for you bacteria, and vitamins. It will self carbonate if done correctly, and we usually put juice in it before we let it carbonate, making it taste almost like Knudsen's Seltzer. PM me for my directions for the tea, if you'd like, but you will still have to purchase a scoby online from someone, as I no longer have time to send them out to people.
I found some with the "mother" in it, it cost me 21.00, I bout layed an egg, I thought that was high, but I have no clue. So now what do I do with the mother to produce my next batch? Do I add water or what?
If you're making it for human consuption, you can make a 'pre-mixed' syrup in bulk. Combine equal volumes of of vinegar and honey, and simmer it on the stove for an hour or so. Bottle it up and it keeps forever on the counter.
Buy or make some apple juice, or apple cider. Put it in a jar, and put the slimey transluscent mother on top (it may float or sink, that's o.k.) and secure the top of the jar with a coffee filter and a rubberband. After several days, (depending on the temperature in your kitchen, the warmer it is, the quicker it will go.) taste to see if it has turned to vinegar yet. There should not be an alcohol taste when it is ready. If it hasn't turned to vinegar, then wait awhile longer, and then test it again. You will also notice that a film will grow across the top to the size and shape of the jar. This is the baby, which becomes the "mother" if you make another batch, or give it away to someone else who might be interested in making their own ACV.
Taking a TEAspoon not a table spoon in a 1/2 glass or full glass which ever you chose.
of sweet fruit juice everyday
is a way of life for people in Ca.
doctors recomend it all the time.
for aches and joint pain.
and that is simple ACV.
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Thanks for the info, I'll have to try it out. I wanted it for the birds and thought maybe I would try some also. At 21.00 a gal, I wanted to be able to make some more of it so I wouldnt have to keep buying more. Thanks again...........
I just wanted to bump this thread back up for anyone like me. I am looking to move to the organic way of life and this will be a great help. With four kids and so many animals, it is great to have one item that take care of so many!
We use to have a organic store and they had acv but I went looking for it the other day and there gone closed up.. I am having a hard time finding braggs.
But did search and found another organic store in a small town less than 20 mi away more like 10 (where I live everything is 10-20 mi away so no biggy)
and they don't carry acv but he did some checking he can't get braggs but can get dynamic brand. Is this one just as good as braggs? anyone know??

I can order bragg online but its like $20 shipping and just makes it too expensive. I can get this dynamic from him for $3.32 for 16oz he said he will order it for me so I cant wait to get it.

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