Really BAD - GA couple killed by dog pack

thanks horsejody. I went back and read up on it. Its almost worse...not starving, just a bored pack.
Mom grew up on the farm; told stories about the packs of city dogs that would tear through flock and herd.
This isn't helping me stop creeping out. Sheesh. And I've had dogs myself in the past and was very responsible about everything.

Soooo, my immediate family doesn't think it's necessary to carry. I do; I'm home all day alone, there's the chickens to protect; any suggestions for proceeding? Or is the baseball bat at the front door and the paintball gun at the back door sufficient? I'm in a small subdivision semi-rural.
Good grief, what a terrible and disturbing thing to happen. I am so sorry for their families...and I can understand why this would bother you so much.
So terribly sad but it was an accident waiting to happen. You do not feed a pack of dogs and suddenly stop...they are PACK animals and the hunt and kill in as a unit.

Heck take 1 tabo bell beast and everyone thinks..."Oh how cute" but put 10 of them together and you can have problems.
Funny you should mention The Judge. A friend and I are going to buy one each, and go take some shooting lessons. So fortunately here, we can shoot dogs chasing our livestock, or even shoot someone threatening us in our home, or outside of our home.

Thats one good thing about living in Florida. We can protect ourselves.
Its very sad. It happened here. An older woman was mowing her lawn, using a riding mower and was attacked and killed by the neighbor's dogs. Again, the dogs packed up, and went after the lawn mower and lady, she didn't make it.
About five years ago, the feds and the state game and fish re introduced the Mexican wolf to eastern Arizona. Then they went around telling people that they had better not kill one. You had better let them kill and eat your wife and kids before you dare kill one.

That tells you just about what the Federal Government thinks of us. Oh, they said they would compensate us for proven losses. Ha, what are they going to do, give us some food stamps or another stimulus check?

And they wonder why people hate the government.

Very unlikely it was a wolf. There are very few states that have wolves and I've not heard of any in NY. Wolves are instinctively deathly afraid of humans and will avoid us at all costs. If you do happen to see one in the wild consider yourself very fortunate as very few people have and it will likely never happen again in your lifetime. There is no substantiated act of a wolf attacking a human in living memory. Our fear of wolves is left over from the middle ages when the common reaction to things we didn't understand was hysteria and fear.

I live in Minnesota where we have a thriving wolf population in the northern part of the state. There are occassional wolf sitings but wolf encounters are almost unheard of. Rarely you hear of farmers losing a cow or two to wolves but they are very rare occurances and the owners are compensated. They have been exterminated almost the entire world over and I am ashamed for the human race.

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