Red Ranger Chickens

have yours hatched yet? we found one egg this morning that started to hatched but there was no movement in the egg. Does this mean that the chick did not survive? It looked like it was fully formed, we did put the egg back in under the hen just in case. I fear it is gone but i am new to this and do not know. No other eggs show signs off hatching yet.
ahh!! we went and checked a little bit ago and had one dead
but we had one chirping trying to break out of its shell!! the red ranger is a very good broody mother, she pecked us and let us know we weren't welcome. I have my fingers crossed that this one will live! Congrats i hope there are more pics to come!!!
oh! new babies! it makes me so excited! we had another new one today so far, she still has about 3 eggs under her, When i went down to the nest i noticed she had kicked an egg out and the egg was partially busted but the chick was dead. so we are two for two right now.
First batch of Red Rangers developed fumble foot at 9 weeks. I fed them for meat birds and were 6-7 lbs at 12 weeks processed. Didn't restrict their feed for layers. How do you keep your layers from getting too heavy & develop fumble feet?
mine free range constantly, i feed layer and mixture in the mornings and sometimes they will gobble it down. I have noticed lately they are starting to look a lot fatter and im not sure if it is feathers or actual meat. Ive never had an issue yet.
I have one red ranger rooster named chicken zilla. He towers over the rest. Very sweet disposition. He runs with Rhode island red hens and we have had 1 successful baby so far. It is huge as well, don't know yet if it is a boy or girl.

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