Last night we decided to just make a decision and cull them. I disinfected everything, and now I'm just hoping our flock wasn't somehow infected.

I hoped I would never have to do anything like that, but I know that it's just part of chicken keeping. :(

Thanks for all the help. It's very appreciated. :hugs
Last night we decided to just make a decision and cull them. I disinfected everything, and now I'm just hoping our flock wasn't somehow infected.

I hoped I would never have to do anything like that, but I know that it's just part of chicken keeping. :(

Thanks for all the help. It's very appreciated. :hugs
Such a shame! You might take proactive measures by thoroughly cleaning your run and house and putting new bedding, etc. Clean your shoes and equipment, feeders & waterers too. Give the hens Apple cider vinegar in their water which is very good for their system and helps fight off illneses. Hopefully your flock will prosper
Such a shame! You might take proactive measures by thoroughly cleaning your run and house and putting new bedding, etc. Clean your shoes and equipment, feeders & waterers too. Give the hens Apple cider vinegar in their water which is very good for their system and helps fight off illneses. Hopefully your flock will prosper
After culling I immediately disinfected everything. Coop, feeders, clothes, anything they touched. I'm not letting our chickens on that side of the run for a couple weeks, just in case.

So far no signs of respiratory issues.
If the others were already exposed somehow, I would have just closed the flock. Check with your state vet just to ask about testing and if it is available. Each state is different, but some have found that testing for MG can cost just a few dollars. Many states are much more, but it would be good to check out the various ways to get a bird tested if you should ever have another sign of illness. This is a link for contacting your state vet for information or a necropsy:
If the others were already exposed somehow, I would have just closed the flock. Check with your state vet just to ask about testing and if it is available. Each state is different, but some have found that testing for MG can cost just a few dollars. Many states are much more, but it would be good to check out the various ways to get a bird tested if you should ever have another sign of illness. This is a link for contacting your state vet for information or a necropsy:
I'm Canadian, so that info isn't relative for me. Thanks though! :)

If they start to show any signs I'll make a thread on here. Just praying they don't. 🙏
After culling I immediately disinfected everything. Coop, feeders, clothes, anything they touched. I'm not letting our chickens on that side of the run for a couple weeks, just in case.

So far no signs of respiratory issues.
I feel like we bought chickens from the same same farm, then I read your from Canada 😂 yeah. You wrote exactly my story. This summer has been a nightMare. I’m holding onto 4 chickens I have left from the 13 I had. With every single method tried. It’s emotionally, mentally and physically draining. Did your other birds catch it? I contacted the seller and she was very apologetic and refunded me. But I feel like the cost is so minuscule compared to the money I put in supplements and supplies to quarantine. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I deep cleaned to coop yesterday after I culled another sick chicken. Hoping the last four miraculously don’t catch it. I guess I’m following up to see if that’s even worth my time. I plan on starting all over in the spring with new chicks, new coop, new area of the yard
I feel like we bought chickens from the same same farm, then I read your from Canada 😂 yeah. You wrote exactly my story. This summer has been a nightMare. I’m holding onto 4 chickens I have left from the 13 I had. With every single method tried. It’s emotionally, mentally and physically draining. Did your other birds catch it? I contacted the seller and she was very apologetic and refunded me. But I feel like the cost is so minuscule compared to the money I put in supplements and supplies to quarantine. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I deep cleaned to coop yesterday after I culled another sick chicken. Hoping the last four miraculously don’t catch it. I guess I’m following up to see if that’s even worth my time. I plan on starting all over in the spring with new chicks, new coop, new area of the yard
Sorry for your loss. Unless you want the new chicks to be exposed to whatever disease your other chickens have, I would hold off getting new chicks until they are all gone. Most respiratory diseases and some others are spread by carriers. There are places in Canada to send a bird in for a necropsy. Just look it up—necropsy on chicken in Canada, and you will get some links.
I feel like we bought chickens from the same same farm, then I read your from Canada 😂 yeah. You wrote exactly my story. This summer has been a nightMare. I’m holding onto 4 chickens I have left from the 13 I had. With every single method tried. It’s emotionally, mentally and physically draining. Did your other birds catch it? I contacted the seller and she was very apologetic and refunded me. But I feel like the cost is so minuscule compared to the money I put in supplements and supplies to quarantine. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I deep cleaned to coop yesterday after I culled another sick chicken. Hoping the last four miraculously don’t catch it. I guess I’m following up to see if that’s even worth my time. I plan on starting all over in the spring with new chicks, new coop, new area of the yard
So sorry to hear you're dealing with the same situation. It is very frustrating and mentally draining. The worry makes you sick. Thankfully, none of my flock caught whatever it was those four pullets had. That was an awfully stressful situation, and I'm just thankful it didn't turn out worse.

I'm glad to hear at least that the seller refunded you. The person I bought from was far from apologetic, and blamed the respiratory symptoms on my flock. I got no refund.

I hope you can find a solution to the situation quickly. :(

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