Respiratory infection??? I need advice


Dec 1, 2021
A month ago I noticed my 7 month old sussex hen sneezing. I kept an eye on her and the other hens and she seemed to be the only one sneezing. I thought it could be the coop so I'm in the process of building a bigger one. My hens are free range during the day and locked in at night. Today I noticed that when she breathes she's very noisy. Not really a wheezing sound. She kinda sounds like a duck or a deep bok bok sound. I have her separated and am going to take her to the vets tomorrow. I've put wormer in her water just in case but I only wormed them a bit over a month ago. Any one have any ideas what it could be? I heard chickens can get pneumonia or something. It's been really hot where I am at the moment so I also thought it could be because of that?
It's probably the heat. I've had birds "honk" with deep breathing and mouth open when it's real hot.
Just make sure they have plenty of fresh cool water to drink. You can put a fan in the coop and turn it on medium or low at night. Just make sure the fan is blowing air out the vent and not on the chickens. Indirect airflow will come in through the other vents.
Thank you. I'm just really worried as she's the only one with these symptoms. Since having her separated she doesn't honk when she's calm. Should I still take her to the vets?
It doesnt sound like a respiratory disease to me, otherwise other birds would be showing symptoms.
She could be low in the pecking order and possibly picked on especially when it comes to eating, drinking and going to roost for the night.
You can add another feeder/waterer and see if that helps. The pickers cant be at two places at once.

Another possibility is the bedding that's being used. Dusty bedding can be an issue, ammonia fumes from soiled bedding, improper ventilation in the coop are issues as well.
Dust bathing could be a cause/inhalation of fine dust particles.
It's really up to you whether you want to take her to the vet.
Not all birds will necessarily show signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection if one in the flock is, so I wouldn’t go based off of that. Chickens will show signs of disease when they are stressed.

Yes, it is true that a dusty or poor ventilated coop can cause sneezing and other respiratory symptoms, but this isn’t always the case or else all would have a sneeze here or there as well. To me, it sounds like a start of a respiratory infection. Unfortunately, there are many respiratory infections that show similar symptoms, so it’s difficult to pinpoint based just on symptoms of what it may be, however, I believe that this may be Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), which is a bacterial respiratory infection of poultry and it can cause mild to moderate infection, depending on the age. You can read more about MG in this article I put below, just keep in mind that testing is always recommended for a proper diagnosis so you can treat properly.
Since having her separated and out of the coop over night she's stopped sneezing and honking. I've had a read of the MG article and she isn't showing any of the other symptoms. She's been sneezing for a month since it got hot. She isn't mucousy at all and hasn't lost her appetite or energy and seen as she's stopped over night I think it might be the coop. It isn't very well ventilated. My hen and the others she roost with have also started laying within the last month and a bit so I think she might be a bit stressed too.
Since having her separated and out of the coop over night she's stopped sneezing and honking. I've had a read of the MG article and she isn't showing any of the other symptoms. She's been sneezing for a month since it got hot. She isn't mucousy at all and hasn't lost her appetite or energy and seen as she's stopped over night I think it might be the coop. It isn't very well ventilated.
I think you have found the problem.
Work on providing better ventilation and see what happens.

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