RIR Breed Thread

Either it's missing or hasn't grown out yet. Definitely a production red. Good layers. As long as you love them, it doesn't really matter. I am closer to getting breed standard reds but not there yet. Lots of good people on here who breed them, should you ever want breed standard reds. Big difference between the two. I love my reds!!!

She is my sweetie! Comes & sits on my lap when called & lets me pet her. Do you think they will eventually grow in? She doesn't seem concerned about it.
Its possible. She is still young yet. Chickens dont know they have missing feathers and such. Just enjoy her. She already owns you!
Does this look like a RIR roo?

The Duke. Not up to the standards but a superb roo temperament wise. I trust him 100 perccent. Excellent guardian and treats his ladies like queens.
I lost my RIR rooster. I don't know if he was attacked by a chicken hawk or one of my dogs got him. Anyway, I want to hatch some eggs fertilized by him. I read somewhere that a roos can give enough sperm to fertilize eggs for up to 3 to 4 weeks after he is no longer around. I also read that RIR hens have been breeded not to set on or hatch their eggs is that so? He was such a beautiful rooster I would like to have some off spring that he sired. He as well as my hens are 6 months old and have just started laying eggs about a month ago. Will I need to get an incubator?

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