RodNTN's chat thread!

Our neighbours are hatching chicks....

No. The problem is is that they don't know how to take care of chickens.... I'll explain more later because I need help.
I know how you feel....
I know how you feel....
You do?

Ok so here's the story:

Our neighbours get really exited with animals and don't always think before they get something. This is the case when they got chickens. They got a book all about how to build a chicken coop and when they were down building it they got chickens without researching or anything. The first few days they didn't let them out (even thought it was middle of September) and didn't give them any food our water. We took care of them for the first few weeks and my parents said we had to stop because they were their chickens and they had to take care of them. Our neighbours started giving them food and water but they still didn't let them outside. One of the problems was that the coop had lots of cracks and holes so whenever it rained the water would seep in and the bedding would get mouldy and stinky. They finally let them outside but still didn't change the bedding.

Sometimes they would forget to lock up the chickens so we did it for them. One night it was really windy and we did out chickens late and we found our neighbours coop door closed and chickens scattered everywhere. The neighbours weren't home so we spent about an hour looking for the lost chickens and we found all them except for Brownie. Who never came back. They started realizing how much the coop smelled and we could even smell it from our house so they changed it.

Our neighbours go away a lot and usually don't tell anyone so we would find their chickens a few days later unkept so we took care of them till they came back. Just last night they left unexpectedly for a day trip and it was raining and extremely windy outside so I went down to lock up my chickens and one of their hens was outside pacing around the chicken coop so I took a closer look and the door was closed. Rusty their rooster was cuddling two of of eleven hens on top of the coop. I put them inside and saw that there was chickens inside the coop stuck inside their for who knows how long. There was still two chickens missing and about 25 minutes later I found them both.

They are planning to hatch chicks as soon as possible but it's so cold outside and the way they're taking care of their chickens now I don't think it's going to work out. Like I said before they leave a lot without telling everyone but they don't realize chickens can't take care of themselves for a few days like cats and dogs can. I'm afraid the poor chicks will die because of sicknesses and being alone for periods of time.

I'm struggling what to say to them because I don't want to be nosy and unfriendly but for them it's not a good idea to get chicks at this time. They're also planning to get sheep, goats, and dogs along with their chickens and we're all afraid we will be doing all the work. Can I have some advice of what to say?
You do?

Ok so here's the story:

Our neighbours get really exited with animals and don't always think before they get something. This is the case when they got chickens. They got a book all about how to build a chicken coop and when they were down building it they got chickens without researching or anything. The first few days they didn't let them out (even thought it was middle of September) and didn't give them any food our water. We took care of them for the first few weeks and my parents said we had to stop because they were their chickens and they had to take care of them. Our neighbours started giving them food and water but they still didn't let them outside. One of the problems was that the coop had lots of cracks and holes so whenever it rained the water would seep in and the bedding would get mouldy and stinky. They finally let them outside but still didn't change the bedding.

Sometimes they would forget to lock up the chickens so we did it for them. One night it was really windy and we did out chickens late and we found our neighbours coop door closed and chickens scattered everywhere. The neighbours weren't home so we spent about an hour looking for the lost chickens and we found all them except for Brownie. Who never came back. They started realizing how much the coop smelled and we could even smell it from our house so they changed it.

Our neighbours go away a lot and usually don't tell anyone so we would find their chickens a few days later unkept so we took care of them till they came back. Just last night they left unexpectedly for a day trip and it was raining and extremely windy outside so I went down to lock up my chickens and one of their hens was outside pacing around the chicken coop so I took a closer look and the door was closed. Rusty their rooster was cuddling two of of eleven hens on top of the coop. I put them inside and saw that there was chickens inside the coop stuck inside their for who knows how long. There was still two chickens missing and about 25 minutes later I found them both.

They are planning to hatch chicks as soon as possible but it's so cold outside and the way they're taking care of their chickens now I don't think it's going to work out. Like I said before they leave a lot without telling everyone but they don't realize chickens can't take care of themselves for a few days like cats and dogs can. I'm afraid the poor chicks will die because of sicknesses and being alone for periods of time.

I'm struggling what to say to them because I don't want to be nosy and unfriendly but for them it's not a good idea to get chicks at this time. They're also planning to get sheep, goats, and dogs along with their chickens and we're all afraid we will be doing all the work. Can I have some advice of what to say?
Oh my goodness, it was NOT that bad in my case. Our neighbors just let their chickens free range and they would come in our yard constantly, and our dog killed countless hens and chicks. BUT no, they weren't that bad! Oh my goodness POOR chickens!!!! And they also kept their roosters inside a small cage outside with a blanket draped over it. But they took care of them!

Hmm, I've never been in that case. So I can't give you great advice. Maybe they don't want the chickens? Ask them . . .
  Oh my goodness, it was NOT that bad in my case. Our neighbors just let their chickens free range and they would come in our yard constantly, and our dog killed countless hens and chicks. BUT no, they weren't that bad! Oh my goodness POOR chickens!!!! And they also kept their roosters inside a small cage outside with a blanket draped over it. But they took care of them!

Hmm, I've never been in that case. So I can't give you great advice. Maybe they don't want the chickens? Ask them . .  .
Oh dear!!!

Oh they want chickens! They've wanted chickens for the last couple years. The have a girl my age and a boy a year younger than me. They are really nice people but they just don't know what to do.

They also give their chickens powder food. Has anyone slaw heard of this? It is literally powder. But as you know chickens can't swallow so the choke on the food.
  Oh my goodness, it was NOT that bad in my case. Our neighbors just let their chickens free range and they would come in our yard constantly, and our dog killed countless hens and chicks. BUT no, they weren't that bad! Oh my goodness POOR chickens!!!! And they also kept their roosters inside a small cage outside with a blanket draped over it. But they took care of them!

Hmm, I've never been in that case. So I can't give you great advice. Maybe they don't want the chickens? Ask them . .  .
Oh dear!!!

Oh they want chickens! They've wanted chickens for the last couple years. The have a girl my age and a boy a year younger than me. They are really nice people but they just don't know what to do.

They also give their chickens powder food. Has anyone slaw heard of this? It is literally powder. But as you know chickens can't swallow so the choke on the food.

Powder food?!! Like, more powdery than crumbles? :th
Lily, I wish I could teleport myself there to help you. I've given my neighbors audacious lectures on animal-keeping after their dog got hit by a car, locked their cat in a shed, forgot to lock their chickens in, and we found BLOOD everywhere, all because of negligence. :mad:
I think the reason I'm so brazen with animal rights is because my mom used to be president of the ASPCA (American Society of Prevention of Cruelty toward Animals) in our state and I've learned from her.
You might want to start out by giving subtle hints, like maybe leaving a anonymous and gentle flyer on animal cruelty in their mailbox....
Do they have kids? If so, see if you can find a way to enter the parents' hearts through their children. Most likely, loosing so many chicks is really hard on their kids and no parent, no matter how indifferent, wants to see their kids upset.
Let me find a subtle way to ask my mom for more suggestions when she gets home. :hugs
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Oh Lily.....OH MY STARCLAN LILY!!!!!

That's wrong.DOWN.RIGHT.WRONG!
My mom was folding laundry and she saw this just now and I looked at her "I know,"
And ran upstairs.

Lily, I want you to do this exsactilly:
When they come back, walk to there house calmly.Make sure you have a printed guide of raising chickens or a booklet, and knock on the door.Tell them:
"Hello.As you proboly know, I've been caring for your chickens lately.But, um, Im going to say this a bit bluntly, You aren't taking good care of your chickens.Chickens are living creatures, they need food, water, protection, and a clean, safe, warm coop and some grass or lettuce to peck at.I printed/got these books/papers for you on raising chickens.If you can take it into consideration by caring them better, it would make me very happy,"Pause for a moment and add,"But!I know these are YOUR pets, and you are going to do what you want, but I wanted to just say,"

You can fix it up or something.

That's just what I would do.

I hope it works out :hugs
Ok sorry but everyone's taking this the wrong way.

We've known our neighbours for 11 years and they are special family friends to us. Just to clear this they are Christians and VERY sweet people.

Sarah, they do have two kids. One is 12 and the other is my age.

They want the best for their chickens and simply don't know all about chickens. We are trying to explain how to do this and it will take some time but we do have to remember that it is their chickens that we are talking about. It's their choice what to do with their chickens. We were just helping them out for the first bit. Yes, at first their chickens were struggling and they can't leave them alone outside or inside for a couple days or else something will happen. But, we are glad to help them out on their chicken journey. They haven't had chickens for a year yet and they are still figuring things out.

And Kyndra, like I said above they are life-long family friends and we don't want to start fights or anything.

All I wanted was some advice to tell them about keeping chicks and such. Nobody's perfect. Animals die everyday. Right now their chickens aren't suffering. It's just all the animals they are getting at once and not looking into how to take care of them that bothers me.
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Ok sorry but everyone's taking this the wrong way.

We've known our neighbours for 11 years and they are special family friends to us. Just to clear this they are Christians and VERY sweet people.

Sarah, they do have two kids. One is 12 and the other is my age.

They want the best for their chickens and simply don't know all about chickens. We are trying to explain how to do this and it will take some time but we do have to remember that it is their chickens that we are talking about. It's their choice what to do with their chickens. We were just helping them out for the first bit. Yes, at first their chickens were struggling and they can't leave them alone outside or inside for a couple days or else something will happen. But, we are glad to help them out on their chicken journey. They haven't had chickens for a year yet and they are still figuring things out.

And Kyndra, like I said above they are life-long family friends and we don't want to start fights or anything.

All I wanted was some advice to tell them about keeping chicks and such. Nobody's perfect. Animals die everyday. Right now their chickens aren't suffering. It's just all the animals they are getting at once and not looking into how to take care of them that bothers me.

Lily I understand they are your friends and family, But that's just cruel what they are doing to the chickens.And what I said above has nothing to do with starting a fight, I was just saying what I would do.
Ok sorry but everyone's taking this the wrong way.

We've known our neighbours for 11 years and they are special family friends to us. Just to clear this they are Christians and VERY sweet people.

Sarah, they do have two kids. One is 12 and the other is my age.

They want the best for their chickens and simply don't know all about chickens. We are trying to explain how to do this and it will take some time but we do have to remember that it is their chickens that we are talking about. It's their choice what to do with their chickens. We were just helping them out for the first bit. Yes, at first their chickens were struggling and they can't leave them alone outside or inside for a couple days or else something will happen. But, we are glad to help them out on their chicken journey. They haven't had chickens for a year yet and they are still figuring things out.

And Kyndra, like I said above they are life-long family friends and we don't want to start fights or anything.

All I wanted was some advice to tell them about keeping chicks and such. Nobody's perfect. Animals die everyday. Right now their chickens aren't suffering. It's just all the animals they are getting at once and not looking into how to take care of them that bothers me.

Shootingstars. I must sound so despicable right now! :oops:
You have a local feed store, right?
They always have TONS of informational and free booklets at almost any feed supply about raising chickens!
All that matters most is that they get the information they need. ;) Perhaps tell them about BYC?
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