@Claires Poultry
It must be HARVEST time at your farm:thumbsup
Update us here on results,,,, and maybe some
@Claires Poultry
It must be HARVEST time at your farm:thumbsup
Update us here on results,,,, and maybe some
Hey Rich! :frow How are you doing?
I stopped posting on this thread because it never really took off and figured people didn't like it.
Looks like you have interest in it though. :)
Yes, we are harvesting a lot right now. Staying quite busy, that's for sure!
I'll post some pics soon. :)
Do you know anyone who you could tag that might be interested in this thread?
Here are some banana squash that were harvested yesterday. Some of them are over 2 feet long!

These are just some of the tomatoes. So far we've got over 18 bushels, and we're not done picking them yet.

My kitchen is so full of produce right now, I can barely walk. :lol:
I'll get more pics soon. :)
Do you know anyone who you could tag that might be interested in this thread?
I do hang out on 2 other Garden Threads. I would generally link to something in your thread,,,,,, if conversation/postings are in line with what those peeps are discussing. If you keep posting new posts here,,,, there will be newcomers that will read, and decide to post to it as well.
You must also consider ALL the non members that just read all different posts. They are not able to respond,,,,,,,,,,, but if they do chose to,,,, then they JOIN BYC.:thumbsup
I have been getting notices every-time there is a NEW POST on this thread. You should be too, Check your settings maybe.
I also notice you have been somewhat absent from the music threads:hit
I learned how to can milk yesterday. :yesss:
That was kinda fun, very time consuming, though. It has to be canned in a pressure canner and it takes several hours per batch of 6-7 quart jars. I would like to start canning all of our extra milk for this winter when we don't have milk. :)
I do hang out on 2 other Garden Threads. I would generally link to something in your thread,,,,,, if conversation/postings are in line with what those peeps are discussing. If you keep posting new posts here,,,, there will be newcomers that will read, and decide to post to it as well.
You must also consider ALL the non members that just read all different posts. They are not able to respond,,,,,,,,,,, but if they do chose to,,,, then they JOIN BYC.:thumbsup
I have been getting notices every-time there is a NEW POST on this thread. You should be too, Check your settings maybe.
I also notice you have been somewhat absent from the music threads:hit
I'll keep posting. :) I see that at least I've got a few people following along now, so it's worth
it now. :)
I have been very busy lately, I've had to stop doing as many posts as I used to. I used to greet all the new members, but I had to stop, because things have got so busy, I just don't have time anymore. :(
I can start posting on the music threads again, too. I didn't imagine that I would be missed so much. You must have really liked me posting on there. :)
I'll be able to spend more time on here this winter, and I'll post a whole lot more. I'm just very busy at this time of the year. Winter is the least busiest time of the year for me.
I look forward to spending more time on here this winter! Y'all can look forward to it, too! :)

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