Rooster Chat

This year due to surgery, I had to make my decisions earlier than I usually would about extra roosters. The minute they make trouble that I perceive as aggressive, like attacking my bantam hens, which my two were doing, they were butchered. I'm down to 2 large breeds and two bantam roosters from this year. One bantam has been removed to the separation pen.

I have to admit it has made things better to get the extra roosters out of the flock. The two remaining large breed roosters should work out and fit in nicely. I'm glad I didn't drag my decision making out too long this year. Mine are about 5 months now.
I love how life seems to sort itself out! I was agonizing over whether or not to bring in one of the roosters in with the pullets or whether it would cause too much grief for the pullets. This weekend I had a chance to keep an eye on the 3(?) definately 2 RIR roo's still remaining in with the pullets. They, as of right now, can stay with the pullets!
No 3rd coop necessary. They are very gentlemanly with their ladies. Their mounting isn't a constant disruption that hinders the pullets from eating and drinking. The pullets are out and about doing what chickies do. There are more than enough pullets to go around. The roosters in the bachelor pad seem content also. They still keep a watchful eye on the pullets but at a distance. I can imagine the 2 RIR's that are in with the pullets, peer over at the other roo's and say look at me now!

So, I think the one commentary that I can pass along from my experience, with MY roo's, is with a little extra work it is possible to keep your roosters if you choose to. The thought of culling my roosters pained me because I truly enjoy them! They are so different than females in attitude. Yes, I have pullets that seek my attention but the way the boys do it just different. They crack me up. My Sir Romeo Luigi now does what I call a tap dance on the water bucket. If I enter the coop he comes running in, jumps on the bucket and moves his feet which sounds like he's tap dancing. He wants me to pick him up. He would be content in my arms all day long. The others come in to get stroked and talk at me. That's good enough for them. I comment how handsome they look and that makes them happy. It's the little things.....

Once again, all is good in rooster/chickie land. Hopefully, this trend continues.
That's wonderful! Enjoy your birds, they will thrive because of it....I really do believe it...they love being talked to...and having you spend time with them...if mine are out free ranging and I'm outside, my birds gravitate to where I's nice to know that your rooster problem is solved!
I'm so happy to see my cockerels starting to try to protect my girls. My little Chihuahua showed a little too much interest in them and a couple of them turned into giant, flapping avengers. It was quiet a sight. They didn't actually touch her because she trotted around the corner oblivious to them. A little stray my son picked up did kill one of my cockerels and had a hold of another. He is literally skin and bones but I'm pretty sure he didn't do it from hunger. He has been eating pretty good since he got here. He looks like my little Chihuahua but is twice her size. Jack penned the little So and So up, but I want to give him away. It's going to be hard with him so skinny. I'm trying to fatten him up. I suppose he needs to be wormed so I'll be doing that soon. I guess it's a good thing I don't own a gun!
That's wonderful! Enjoy your birds, they will thrive because of it....I really do believe it...they love being talked to...and having you spend time with them...if mine are out free ranging and I'm outside, my birds gravitate to where I's nice to know that your rooster problem is solved!
To be honest, I think I'm obsessed with my birds! I enjoy being with them as much as I think they like having me around. Yes, always around, our shadows, ever inquisitive as to what we are up to. You have no idea how relieved I am that all is working out. I can keep my roosters happy and healthy and just as importantly, I can keep them with me.

Icertuche: keep that pesky dog away from the chickies. He doesn't know better. There's disaster written all over that. I hope you find the pooch a good home. I'm a sucker for animals! Animals and small children....we have to protect them.
As to the dog thing...if they show to much interest in the birds...don't allow them around the birds...they create a stressful situation for the birds and can even cause them to quit laying...a ****** off rooster or hen, for that matter, can easily poke an eye out of a curious dog....or child. So my Border Collie is confined to the house when the chickens are out of their pen...she would love nothing better than to pluck and eviscerate any reckless birds that don't beat feet and wings, away from her....and return to the other side of the fence before I can intervene.... Also my coop and run are off limits to small children....and some older ones if they don't respect the rules around the birds...sounds mean? Well there is nothing more telling then to have the cute little nieces ask ever so sweetly...with a smile..."Can we see the chickens? Auntie?"...and as we round the corner of the house....the birds hear the kids! And disappear...from view! It would seem that they have been "Seeing" my chickens when I wasn't there....and the birds don't seem to have enjoyed the experience...
Hello everyone. I hear that roosters are good to have to help keep your hens safe, and so I am really interested in finding one that will do a great job protecting my hens. I need help finding one and i do not know which rooster is the best breed and will do the best to keep my ladies watched. Any ideas anyone?? Thank you so much!
Hello everyone. I hear that roosters are good to have to help keep your hens safe, and so I am really interested in finding one that will do a great job protecting my hens. I need help finding one and i do not know which rooster is the best breed and will do the best to keep my ladies watched. Any ideas anyone?? Thank you so much!

In many cases I think nice roosters are more a result of heredity, the individual bird and to a lesser extent on how they are raised. There are both nice and nasty roosters in each breed. That said, if you hope to raise chicks, you may want to pick one that is compatible with the breeds you have.
Another thing you can do is check around, often on this list, perhaps at your local feed store or by calling the local 4-H to see if anyone has a young rooster that shows potential as a flock leader and in the behavior department. Then you have an idea as to temperament as opposed to raising one from scratch.
Usually I keep extras that are nice, form a bachelor pad but everyone free ranges together and then if I or anyone else needs a cockerel or young rooster there is one available. It's worked out extremely well (Unfortunately roosters seem to have a higher incidence than average of not surviving a predator attack, if they protect the flock.) And some nice roosters have found good homes.
Alright,my black sex link cockerel has started humping chickens,his two brothers are not as far along quit yet,but the white one has been humping and knocking his brother off hens.The Rhode Island has been winning between all the youngsters,accept he has been grabbing hens and chasing them,but looks like he is slowly stopping that.

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