Rooster Chat

Sorry about your lost chickens. I do understand your frustration. I also get that accidents happen. Other than keeping the dogs and chickens separated as you are doing now, and attempting to work with them, I don't know what else you can do other than take them to the pound since you haven't found anyone to take them.

Nobody is meaning to berate you. And yes, I understand your frustration also.

Sounds as though, however that the problem isn't with the dogs or the chickens but lies with your son letting the dogs loose and leaving them unattended.

I understand also that you are needing to vent and trust me we have all been there and done that. Still you need solutions. Secure the chickens and leave them secured as long as the dogs are on the property. Hot wire your coop and run, Stress to your son that he cannot let the dogs out and the next time he does, the animals will be taken to the shelter and or, put a lock on their gate so they cannot be let out.

I seriously do feel sorriest for the dogs. Unwanted and unloved is a terrible fate for any dog. They can share the same space with chickens without bloodshed. It won't be easy tho and everyone has to be willing to make it happen.

I seriously wish you good luck with your problem.
Has anyone ever had cockerels mate a pullet so bad they made bad puncture wounds?I found a hen in the back of the nest boxes scared,missing feathers,and has some pretty bad puncture wounds,one nearly looks like it almost tore her vent but just missed by not even a centimeter.Then one on her side/back.We thought it was a owl.Looks like claw marks like he landed on her and stuck his talons in her,but we also have some young roos around,but I do not know if they could do this much injury to a pullet,also including the fact 3 of the youngsters are scared of her.No telling HOW long she was behind there.

Noticed hr missing then begun looking.She is very hungry,dehydrated and light in wait.
Update-I checked her and found a third wound and a dry blood spots and a few not nealy serious wounds so she defiantly probably needs to stay in and heal.The 3 major ones are some what Deep.I'll try getting pictures.
Has anyone ever had cockerels mate  a pullet so bad  they made bad puncture wounds?I found a hen in the back of the nest boxes scared,missing feathers,and has some pretty bad puncture wounds,one nearly looks like it almost tore her vent but just missed by not even a centimeter.Then one on her side/back.We thought it was a owl.Looks like claw marks like he landed on her and stuck his talons in her,but we also have some young roos around,but I do not know if they could do this much injury to  a pullet,also including the fact 3 of the youngsters are scared of her.No telling HOW long she was behind there.

Noticed hr missing then begun looking.She is very hungry,dehydrated and light in wait.
Could be a rough youngster...but I'm betting on a combination of pecking order, clumsy cockrels and maybe a bit of cannibalism...or feather eating...I'd clean her up and put her in a isolation cage with plenty of water and food, for at least a few days....let her heal, if you have lowered the protein in their feed recently, it might be a good idea to go back to grower feed for another month or so....another reason for feather eating can be crowding....just a few possibles?
Ok now that I think about it,it probably is a predator.We had a duck get killed just the other day,and I already have seen my youngsters in play and just really seems hard to belive.they have the whole entire yarad to roam so don't think it's space or protien.
These are not my hens pics,but something similar to what hers look like,just probably a lil deeper.
@TheTwoRoos I've had a 6 week old pullet come up with a wound like that from one of my larger hens grabbing her by the back of the neck and tearing off skin and feathers. I've never seen wounds like that from rough mating. Rooster tracks, broken feathers, scratches, yes, deep gouges and skin ripped off no. My guess is predator but what kind? Do you have any idea what killed your duck? Whatever it was I think your hen is lucky to be alive. From your description of the wounds I imagine something pouncing on her, grabbing her, getting a mouthful of skin and feathers, her breaking free and as she breaks free rakes her back with its claws.

It must be something in the air. My biggest rooster is in sick bay after he and one of his smaller brothers spent much of the afternoon yesterday locked in the old I'm tougher than you are conflict. Turns out he wasn't as tough as he thinks he is because over and above having a scabbed up and bloody comb and wattles, he's limping badly on his right leg. After he bunny hopped by me this afternoon I caught him and checked him over. Definite thigh muscle injury. Popped a baby aspirin down his throat and put him in a spare coop along with my "handicapped" Welsummer rooster (hock injury when he was only 4 months old) and a couple of hens to keep him warm.

I can hardly wait to see how these boys of mine are going to act when spring rolls around. I better stock up on antibiotics and first aid supplies before then.

Speaking of antibiotics. If it was my hen I would be dosing her down with a prophylactic antibiotic just to protect her from an infection. Just keep her warm and her wounds clean. I'm always amazed at how fast they heal and how well.

Hope you catch the culprit and us extreme prejudice against it when you do.
Peroxide is ok for initial cleaning but is unfortunately too harsh on tissue for continued use. Warm water is good. Normal saline with a mild disinfectant such as you find in contact lens conditioning solution will work. So will diluted betadine solution although it can be a bit pricey. I use just a double antibiotic ointment and if she is going to be with other chickens, I use blue Kote on wounds also to keep them from pecking at her. Extra protein in her diet such as scrambled eggs will help her heal.

Let us know how she is doing!

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