Rooster Chat

Peroxide is ok for initial cleaning but is unfortunately too harsh on tissue for continued use. Warm water is good. Normal saline with a mild disinfectant such as you find in contact lens conditioning solution will work. So will diluted betadine solution although it can be a bit pricey. I use just a double antibiotic ointment and if she is going to be with other chickens, I use blue Kote on wounds also to keep them from pecking at her. Extra protein in her diet such as scrambled eggs will help her heal.

Let us know how she is doing!
I agree! I'd follow up with the antibiotic ointment.
She made it through the night.

Once it gets lighter out i'll probably walk her around outisde to make sure no one is pickin gon her and she gets some grass.
You should see some feather regrowth the next time she molts.

My pullet that was injured when she was 6 weeks old has a small 'bald' patch where the new skin has grown back and a skin tag from part of the tear that healed as a flap. I can always see Seven just by looking for feathers sticking out at a weird angle from her neck.
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Time to break out the net cover for the run.

We have hawks, owls and eagles where we live. The hawks are probably the most brazen. I've gone outside and had them fly out of trees not 50 feet from my runs. I'm sure it was just sitting there waiting for a chance to catch itself a nice chicken dinner. Any Hawk that tries that trick will find itself tangled up in netting upon which revelation, I will call the Missouri Dept of Conservation and tell them to come get their hawk before I turn my roosters and hens loose on it.

I've got some Welsummer hens that could be on MAV-TV as cage fighters. They are all attitude.
My grandchildren and I have a young flock of 7 Around 7 months old. We did not plan on a Rooster but we got one in our original chicken purchase at the local feed store.I think my flock is a mutt mix and two white leghorns.
We bought 24 RIR from Cackle and ended up with 4 Cockerels two of them seem to be more aggressive then the others.
total I have 26 hens and 5 Roos. I plan on cooking at least 2 of my roos.
Any advice on how to pick what 2 to eat?

The picture is of my older one.Rocky rooster will not end up in a pot. :)
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I look tor the ones with the worse personality meaning rough with the hens, aggressive towards humans, etc. It's hard. My oneryest, lease trustworthy rooster is the least friendly to humans but the hens love him and he guards them with a single minded ferocity. Last night I went into the coop at dark with the intention of pulling him from the flock so he could keep another rooster that is injured company and what I encountered was Bo, sitting at the end of the roost board with two hens pressed against him as if saying "Don't take our Rooster away from us, Please!" Couldn't argue with that loyalty. He was doing his best to hide 'under' the hens and they were doing their best to hide him from me.

Needless to say I chose a different rooster to do his civic duty.
Time to break out the net cover for the run.

We have hawks, owls and eagles where we live. The hawks are probably the most brazen. I've gone outside and had them fly out of trees not 50 feet from my runs. I'm sure it was just sitting there waiting for a chance to catch itself a nice chicken dinner. Any Hawk that tries that trick will find itself tangled up in netting upon which revelation, I will call the Missouri Dept of Conservation and tell them to come get their hawk before I turn my roosters and hens loose on it.

I've got some Welsummer hens that could be on MAV-TV as cage fighters. They are all attitude.
The hawk wouldn't turn around and fight back?I really have no idea how my alpha rooster would react.The hens and him will knock my dog off if they get a hen,so not sure what they would do to hawk.

Is it possible for them to kill a hawk?

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