Rooster Chat

His siblings are 3 months old too.The only time he witnesses Pullet abuse is when he gets outta hand.Unuasual to have a cockeral as nit head leader of his little pacj.
Ha! I just witnessed one of my youngest cockrels catch a big red hen off guard...he had his way with her...but when he jumped off and prepared to show off, she put the run on him. Then she took on a Very rooster like stance, strutted around for a few moments fluffed up and shook out her feathers. I don't think she realized just who was grabbing her,till he jumped off. A very ignoble end to his little triumph. Funny! Love these birds more every day...
I am integrating my 5 week old chicks, today i opened the door and no one cared. My 4 year old Orpington rooster was getting his wattles pecked by one, he just stood there until they were done. What a good rooster.
How old is he?My roosters new to this and is very chick aggressive.
He's 4. I have a year old rooster with them too and he's ignoring them. I actually have 8 roosters out in that shed. Rooster shouldn't hurt chicks, they should look after them.
I would remove him, either temporarily until the chicks mature or permanently as a chick aggressive rooster isn't a good rooster.
I have 2 coops. One houses a roo, two hens and three pullets and they all free roam during the day. The roo in this group is a golden laced polish and is a great protector but very agressive towards people. The other coop has a cover run which has a mixed breed roo that is not agreesive and two hens and isn't big enough for anymore chickens.
Would it cause issues if I switched the roos so my polish can't get to people? Or to let the 3 in the covered coop out woth the rest and put the polish in with a couple of his favorite hens? I just worry that since they are used to free roaming it will stress them.
You could try, but more than likely the mixed rooster will want back with his hens. Personally I would get rid of the polish, than free range both groups with the hope the mixed rooster will want the other hens too, and eventually he tends to all of them. My two flocks free range in the same area but don't interact too much.

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