Rooster or Hen?


Aug 27, 2015
This is our second year with chickens, last years girls (3 leghorns and 3 golden comets) were unfortunately killed by a fisher over the winter so we started over with a couple different breeds this year (2 barred rocks, 2 RIR, 2 golden comets). I have gone back and forth on all of them trying to figure out the genders. I'm convinced one of the Rhode Island Reds is a male, and maybe a couple of the others. One of them just started laying two days ago, so I know there is at least one hen in the mix. 

If anyone can give me some insight on this it would be greatly appreciated! I've posted some pictures below.



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I should add that they are all just over 4 months old, and the two pictures are the ones that I am questioning the most.
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The first bird is a pullet
The second bird (front and center in second photo) is a pullet
The red bird immediately behind the second bird (walking towards the bird) is a pullet
I'm leaning heavily towards pullet on the barred bird on the far right of the second photo, but would like full shot - as well as a full shot of the others in that photo that are not fully visible
The bird in the top pic is a Rhode Island Red pullet. The bird in the bottom picture is a Red Sex Link pullet. Red Sex Links are laying machines. You should get loads of large, brown eggs from her. :eek:)
The first bird is a pullet
The second bird (front and center in second photo) is a pullet
The red bird immediately behind the second bird (walking towards the bird) is a pullet
I'm leaning heavily towards pullet on the barred bird on the far right of the second photo, but would like full shot - as well as a full shot of the others in that photo that are not fully visible
I agree with the above, except the bolded part. That red bird is one I'd like a better pic of.
Here are some more pictures @donrae




This one shows the two RIR and how different their combs are. I know they can grow at different rates but it seems a bit extreme. But I'm no expert obviously.
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