Rooster sounds frustrated when he gets treats (that he loves...?)

Jul 25, 2019
In summary: a gangly/scared/pathetic looking rooster was abandoned behind my house (in a cage). I guess a neighbor heard him and opened the cage to let him out. Before I could figure out where the crowing sounds were coming from, he had already decided my yard would be his home.

When he first discovered that I came with the place, I could tell he desperately wanted my company but was overly cautious & had his guard up. Understandably.

It's been 4 months now and we've developed quite the bond. I've established that I am the one in charge (which I learned about here!) and over the past couple months he has transformed into a lively, happy rooster. Unrecognizable from the rooster I met on day 1.

I'm all he's got so we spend a LOT of time together doing different things - playing with ping pong balls, mastering new tricks, digging holes, loads of conversation from discussing how our day is going to griping about the leaf-blower-gardeners in our yard once a week, etc

I've figured out the meaning behind a lot of his vocalizations so our rapport is getting better with each day but there are a few behaviors/sounds that seem to contradict what I'd assume or what I've read. One thing is particularly perplexing to me, and I'm still an amateur so any insight would be super appreciated:

When he sees that I'm coming and I've got the cup of treats in hand, he starts clucking/squawking loudly while pacing frantically in front of me and pecking at the ground as if it's some nervous tick. It's the same noise he makes when he spots me hanging out with my dogs on the other side of the fence instead of hanging out with him on his side.
Sounds like a frustrated rant of sorts. As if I picked the worst time to interrupted him so he starts venting out loud while pretending to be super busy.

He loves treats and only *doesn't* make the sounds if I am hand feeding them to him. This seems to be just when I've got his favorite treats and I scatter them around for him to forage or put them in his dish.
Can't contain his excitement, or unhappy and annoyed?

It's been 4 months now
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

What horrible people leaving him in a cage to starve and dehydrate. :rant

Listen... I'm gonna need to see pics! ;)

I agree with the first poster.. mostly, in that it does sound like tidbit-ting behavior. And yes, chickens are jealous creatures. He may be thinking about mating you or not. If he drops a wing and does a little warble warble serenade sound a foot shuffle then that would be a solid yes. He is either thinking about mating or dominating.

Many cockerels will try to entice the ladies over and then grab them for mating. But many boys also have better manners than that and understand how to take "no" for an answer. And for what it's worth... they also tidbit to chicks and other flock mates in my stag pen. The sound I describe is like what the broody hens tell their babes... "Look babe Look" (kinda fast and a little high pitched) and they come running. I use it if I want someones attention quickly... they all recognize the sound. :pop

I would say... desperately seeking your attention... so maybe frustrated when you don't respond. :confused: Sounds like he found a great home! :highfive:

His behavior may remain friendly towards you. I would not add hens or expect his behavior to change some if you do. Mind of I ask what you're feeding him?
It sounds like courting behavior, which is actually called tidbitting and roosters do this to notify hens when they have found a treat or when they would like to breed a hen and they trick them into coming over with their “tidbitting” and grab them to breed, it’d be easier if you could record it.
Thanks for the insight. Do you think hes tidbitting me (though I am the one bringing the treats) or tidbitting imaginary hens in hopes that they will come running? I will try to get video
Thanks for the insight. Do you think hes tidbitting me (though I am the one bringing the treats) or tidbitting imaginary hens in hopes that they will come running? I will try to get video
He's tidbitting because it's instinctual to do so,
who knows what's really going on in his tiny brain,
but I'm sure he'd prefer female chickens.
You'll need to upload video to youtube or vimeo or facebook then link here.
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

What horrible people leaving him in a cage to starve and dehydrate. :rant

Listen... I'm gonna need to see pics! ;)

I agree with the first poster.. mostly, in that it does sound like tidbit-ting behavior. And yes, chickens are jealous creatures. He may be thinking about mating you or not. If he drops a wing and does a little warble warble serenade sound a foot shuffle then that would be a solid yes. He is either thinking about mating or dominating.

Many cockerels will try to entice the ladies over and then grab them for mating. But many boys also have better manners than that and understand how to take "no" for an answer. And for what it's worth... they also tidbit to chicks and other flock mates in my stag pen. The sound I describe is like what the broody hens tell their babes... "Look babe Look" (kinda fast and a little high pitched) and they come running. I use it if I want someones attention quickly... they all recognize the sound. :pop

I would say... desperately seeking your attention... so maybe frustrated when you don't respond. :confused: Sounds like he found a great home! :highfive:

His behavior may remain friendly towards you. I would not add hens or expect his behavior to change some if you do. Mind of I ask what you're feeding him?

Hello! Yes, HORRIBLE people! And I'm gonna have to try what you do - making that same sound back at him. I often do that, but this vocal reaction had left me too confused to wanna do it back. Excited to try. His behavior is very friendly and respectable towards me, so it's a little relieving to hear that adding hens is probably not a great idea. I did get him a lifesize stuffed hen and I was a bit bummed when he had no interest in it, but maybe that's a good thing!

Right now I am feeding him chicken layer feed (this), but I recently learned that it's meant for laying hens right? I cannot find rooster-specific food anywhere - any suggestions?
For treats he gets scratch with Mana Pro grits, Little Farmer meal worm/seed medly, and when he follows commands or makes progress with doing things I try to teach he will get pieces of tortilla - his favorite. Again, better ideas are very appreciated, if you have suggestions.

Here are some 4 month 'before and after' pics


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