Run and Coop height


Feb 24, 2017
Hi Friends, I am brand new here and just starting to design my coop. I'm using the bottom story of my kids' play structure. It's 52" from floor to bottom-story ceiling. Is that enough headspace for a coop AND run space underneath? Maybe 30" tall coop and 20" run space? There will be additional 6ft+ tall run space, but I'm counting on that under-coop area as part of the minimum run space requirement to make 80 sq ft for 8 hens.

They will spend most of their time in the coop/run. I will let them free range in the yard for a little bit each day, but I will have to be able to watch them closely. We have hawks. Thanks in advance for your help!
Welcome to BYC!
One thing to considering in deciding the height of your enclosure is to consider those times you may need to reach a particular point - a stray egg, an injured/sick/dead bird, etc --- me personally, not a fan of crawling around through chicken poop so I would want to know I could reach all points in the lower ceilinged portion without having to actually maneuver around in it. If that's not a concern for you, though, there is no reason that won't work, especially since there is going to be a higher ceilinged area for them to use too.
I would say that would work fine. If that was your whole run height it would have to be at least 2 feet, but since the rest of your run will be six feet tall it will work. In my experience, when designing a coop/run always plan for more additions to the flock. You might not see yourself wanting anymore than eight but in the future you may want more.
Great input, thanks. It's only 3 ft deep so reaching in won't be a problem. And yes, I already want more than 8 hens but I think legally I'm only supposed to have 5 for my yard size, so this is already a stretch! We eat 6-8 eggs a day so 5 would be sadly inadequate.
I see. I really think that cities should raise the number of chickens because 4 eggs a day is about half of what our family of four eats.
Great input, thanks. It's only 3 ft deep so reaching in won't be a problem. And yes, I already want more than 8 hens but I think legally I'm only supposed to have 5 for my yard size, so this is already a stretch! We eat 6-8 eggs a day so 5 would be sadly inadequate.

Ask the city about an "animal facility license" or other special permit that might allow more. Hete, forexample, the limit is three, but with a licence I can have more. Call and ask without offering any identifying info on yourself just to get the info...that way you are not putting yourself on the radar in case there is no option in your city and you do exceed the limit
Ask the city about an "animal facility license" or other special permit that might allow more. Hete, forexample, the limit is three, but with a licence I can have more. Call and ask without offering any identifying info on yourself just to get the info...that way you are not putting yourself on the radar in case there is no option in your city and you do exceed the limit
good advise!

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