*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

WOW! I love their color!
I had not had time when I first saw these photo's to respond (I was using a phone and that takes forever for me).

So, just want to say WOW! also
I have a female runner duck that is now about 29 1/2 weeks old and is still not laying eggs. Is this normal? Do they do like chickens and not lay when the days are short? Although I have to say, my chickens are laying very well right now. I just wondered. We have walked around the lake where they all like to hang out and have not found any eggs. She and the other runners (younger ones) come home to the chicken coop every night. Also, their are some weekends that they are not out of the coop/run all weekend and still have not seen an egg. Thoughts please.
My runners started laying at 4.5 months (middle of October). This morning I collected 6 eggs. They are laying about every other day. Some days I get 4 green and 2 white eggs. The next day I will get 4 white and 2 green eggs. So they all aren't laying each day. Temps were below freezing all day yesterday.

They will lay while on the water which you won't find the eggs. You may have missed her laying this year since the days have gotten shorter. I was surprised when my runners started laying as I wasn't expecting eggs until spring.
Good gracious. I have 8 ducky gals, oldest home-raised is over 9 months, youngest is almost 7 months. Even have one runner girl I bought that's over a year old. Have never received a single egg from any of them. Lazy ducks.
I have two ducks ;a male penciled runner and a female mallard/rouen mix and they mate to have baby mixes

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