S n M Poultry Breeding pens(Even more Pics)

Thats a cute little run.
Not sure about the breeding productivity. but....it will keep em penned up
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whereswaldo, what do you mean? im confused,lol
I noticed the PSP in the background too. I hadn't seen that since Viet Nam. You can put down a real nice runway real fast with that stuff. Ours had three holes across, the French stuff had five holes across.

It is really heavy, and it will really do a job on your fingers though. My hands ache just thinking about it.

Really nice pens though. Congratulations.

This is a great run ! I have been looking for a run design all day - this is exactly what I would like to have too, love the sections.

I might need a trench and hardware cloth at the bottom though - i am terrified of predators getting into my coop (this includes random dogs roaming and coons)

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