
There's no need to be aggressive!

You posted on a public forum so you must accept that you may get a response. I think that your opinion is wrong and I am free to say so. And it's not for you to decide who may and who may not post.

Sure there is a need because you are a jerk, have no clue and stick your nose where it does not need to be and is not wanted. Back off Speckledhen or pm me and I will gladly tell you what I really think...uncensored. you have no Delaware do you? Then go away.
Do you REALLY want to know??? Frankly, I wish BYC would eliminate Random Ramblings and Games entirely or at least, forbid, yes, forbid political/religious/other sordid and overly personal topics that seem to pervade RR. There are so many people on BYC who have no chickens and have NO interest in poultry, are here exclusively to become embroiled in hot topics. I mean, RILLY now, would I join a NASCAR forum just for the social part if I hate car racing? That makes absolutely NO sense to me whatsoever. I want those sections GONE with the WIND (oooh, another Rhett Butler reference!)

And no, I don't care about world news or politics. I really don't. And I don't want to discuss them with anyone, either. Common sense is just as rare as the dodo bird now and it really shows on those issues. I just want to be left alone to live my little insignificant life on my little secluded hill with my chickens and my DH. If he kicks the bucket, I may even kill my internet, too.

Well you know I love ya. And you are the second person today believe it or not who let me know how they feel. The first was by a coffee vendor at the Farmers market. I have to say you both reflected my sentiments of late. The pastor has been preaching on the debates and I understand the Lord and all that but I'm tired.

Now as for RR and the like. When I log onto here I just go to "my profile" and it takes me to the postings I follow. This new set up makes it easy to stay away from excitable threads. I didn't come here for the drama. Lord knows I've got plenty with my kids. I don't hide my faith but I didn't come here to preach. Most folks don't really want help just someone to commiserate with. That's why I just tell them to get counseling. I know most won't get it, but at least I tried.

As for the rest, I just keep trusting my God. Like it or not I believe Christ is coming back. We used to sing a song in church. "I am a pilgrim on my way home, I am a sojourner I'm not my own, I have a mansion up in the sky, right by my Jesus in the sweet by and by" I have a tape of my son singing it when he was three. This is my focus. The christian needs to remember we are IN the world but not OF the world. We're here for a purpose, well more than one. To witness to the lost and to encourage each other. If it weren't for the witness and the word of God, I wouldn't be here. I might still be drugging and fornicating. It's going on 37 years and I don't apologize to anyone.

Now back to chickens. I'm trying to get things situated for my trip you know. I noticed a hen walking funny. A del wouldn't you know. I checked her out tonight and she seems fine in every way except the funny walk, like she's in pain. She does however favor her right side/leg like she can't extend it. She was however on the bottom rung of the roost. I hope it's just a bruise. She was eating and drinking but I'll keep an eye on her. I may separate her if DW says she can handle it.

The BR's are looking pretty bad. Molting like a bald man loses hair. Course the rooster don't look good since I yanked out the last of his tail feathers.

We had the first frost last night. I went through and pulled and picked all the veggies, but I still need to hang the herbs and clean the tomatoes to put in a box with some apples so they ripen. Of course now that I think of it if they don't ripen in a week they won't be tended to. DW is not into gardening and all that. I'm glad she'll take care of the chickens. I'll get to spend the first holiday with my son and his family in eleven years.

Take care cheer up, His eye is on the sparrow,

Lets change the subject back to our flocks and friends etc.
I respect others opinions on all subjects but hate to have them pushed at me. We ALL have the right to them. Love ya and know what you have gone through.

Did you feel the earthquake on the Ga. and Tenn. border last night around 12 midnite? I sometimes forget we have the little rattlers.

I have two of my Dels left and they lay so wonderfully that I want some more. Maybe I can get someone I know to share just a few with me in the Spring. Mine all have pinched tails but they are so personable that it really does not matter. Curious little critters too.

Oh how did your hb know he had strokes? This is a new territory for me. I have been out of the medical field for over 25 yrs now. Mine seems to have just affected the balance center at the back of my brain. I go for a special MRI the 18th to see if the damage is seen on it.
It is actually a relief to know what happened, I imagined the worst , like Ms or some other horrible disease.
Hope your Day is full of the soothing that support of friends and our mtns can give. Gloria Jean
Cynthia: I read your posts regarding the loss of your sweet dog and was heartbroken for you. About a year ago I lost my Sammy after only 9 years and I still think about him almost every day. Thought about you recently when I saw some pictures of your quilting handiwork in another post and wish you well....
Lacy Blue, I've had to go through this twice and only twice, thank heaven, so I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination. But, I'm more than happy to pass along the steps I took, as infection was my biggest fear with both girls.

First, I cleaned the wounds thoroughly with a sterile wash. To that end, I used the "No Hurt" stuff made by Johnson & Johnson. I flush the wound out with that and a syringe without a needle on it. Several times with about 10cc syringe seems to be enough, but you'll have to be the judge on that. If the wound has gotten a lot of dirt in it, you might want to start with just plain distilled water first to get the solid matter out of it, and then follow up with a few rounds of the sterile solution.

Next, I trim away any skin that has been too badly torn up to be of any use. I was lucky in that Cleo's wound was a pretty straight forward laceration. Charlotte took a great deal more effort as the hawk not only ripped her from hock to beyond the hip joint, but had also plowed Charlotte into the ground, thereby forcing all kinds of dirt and debris into the wound. So, a lot of skin needed to be removed from Charlotte.

After trimming away the skin that was too badly damaged to save, I packed the wound site with tribiotic ointment. Neosporin does nicely for this, but it's more expensive than a store brand of tribiotic.

I then stitch the wound with the smallest suture I can find. I've been blessed in having a human doctor who loves my girls almost as much as I do and has kept me supplied with some very nice pre-threaded suture kits. You can also find them online at various veterinary supply places. Look for the smallest ones you can find.

I use sort of a running stitch to bring the two sides of the wound together, leaving a small opening at both the top and bottom ends of the closure. This allows for drainage of the wound as it heals. After I have everything closed up, I use another syringe to pump more tribiotic into the wound at the site of the drain holes. I pump that in, usually from the top opening, until it runs out at the bottom. I DO NOT wrap the wound. It needs to breathe, IMHO. I check the wound several times per day for the first 4 or 5 days, adding more tribiotic as needed as well as applying some to the surface of the skin. This helps to keep the wound site supple, which will help the chicken to heal more comfortably as well as discourages infection.

Hope that all helps you out the next time [and you know there will always be a next time] you have to deal with it.

Thanks for the tip on the blueberries. I just happen to have some in the freezer. I'll definitely give that a try ASAP!!
Well today the lights start to come on at 5am then in the evening extend to 8 pm. Also the protein is high. I forgot to say they get yogurt and fish once a wk plus meat left overs. Like I said spoiled girls for sure. Its warm here as well. Last night was in the 60's so is tonight. I miss the mtns. Gloria Jean
Gloria Jean

COLD here (in the 40s all day, uuggghhh). I would extend the hours of light in the morning only (mine come on at 430am, off at 830am). I'm told if you extend evening hours, the lights suddenly go off then the birds are left with no way to get to the roost. Natural light diminishing slowly is what triggers them to roost

Just a thought

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