
My favorite super-easy squash recipe: puncture an acorn squash (so it doesn't explode), pop it in the microwave for about 20 mins (for a 1-2 lb squash). Once it is soft, and cool enough to handle, cut open, remove seeds, scoop softened flesh into a bowl, add butter, salt/pepper, and maple syrup to taste, and mash it all up. Then find somewhere to eat it all by yourself, unless you made enough to share. I make it for myself on those occasions when I am the only one home for supper. It's a one dish, warm, comfort food.

We're having soup and sandwiches for dinner. I'm set to make the Autumn chowder from the TSC book. It looks easy enough and DW has agreed to let me do it.

She made the Big Daddy's Barley Vegetable Soup, from the same book and we liked it.

The recipe I'll be making only makes two servings so if we don't like it, there won't be to much waste.

Since this is a chicken site, I wish my chickens would lay more eggs. I realize it's cold and rainy, but I still need eggs. The BR's are molting I think. They look pretty bad.
Tim, your table runner will be in the mail Monday morning. Got your check this afternoon. It's coming in the smallest flat rate box-I mailed out the same size table runner to Terrie in Washington State in that and it did just fine. I picked up the box at the P.O. when we were in town today, but they have them where you must assemble them yourself now. Geez. It looks like there's no way that thing will make an actual box.
We're having soup and sandwiches for dinner. I'm set to make the Autumn chowder from the TSC book. It looks easy enough and DW has agreed to let me do it.

She made the Big Daddy's Barley Vegetable Soup, from the same book and we liked it.

The recipe I'll be making only makes two servings so if we don't like it, there won't be to much waste.

Since this is a chicken site, I wish my chickens would lay more eggs. I realize it's cold and rainy, but I still need eggs. The BR's are molting I think. They look pretty bad.

You just need MORE and YOUNGER birds! Then you'll have eggs all winter!
Tim, your table runner will be in the mail Monday morning. Got your check this afternoon. It's coming in the smallest flat rate box-I mailed out the same size table runner to Terrie in Washington State in that and it did just fine. I picked up the box at the P.O. when we were in town today, but they have them where you must assemble them yourself now. Geez. It looks like there's no way that thing will make an actual box.

I always keep a supply handy since I never know when I'll see something to send to the grandchildren.

You just need MORE and YOUNGER birds! Then you'll have eggs all winter!

I have young and older birds. My older Dels are better layers than my younger orps. The CR roosters just started to crow and it was noticeable since I recognize every roosters crow. Isn't that strange? The CR hens have yet to start to lay.

I DO NOT need more birds!
DW would kill me. She'll have plenty to care for while I'm away.

I made the Autumn chowder and it came out good but not great. I have to admit I had to start over cuz I burned the onions. I also told DW to not let me cook cuz I make such a mess and use nearly every dish in the house. She said well Thank God you have a dishwasher.
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Yes, I think its funny that each rooster has his own crow and I can recognize mine too.

It's so much fun to listen to the young cockerels practice their crowing til they find one they like!
And yes, I believe that is exactly what they are doing because when each crow sounds a little different, what else could it be? When they find the one they like, they stick with it through life!
DO NOT BELIEVE them on any thing. I ordered over 100.00 worth of stuff from them and none of it was right but one tree and it looked terrible. Find a better source. Their is a company I think in Oregon or somewhere close out there that does have what they say. I ordered from them Many years ago too. TY TY has a terrible reputation. Gloria jean

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