**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

for you. I am really hoping that I get a couple of the penciled palms Shawn is sending me to hatch. They are so pretty
You know Didi... I do have 2 extra toms plus my pair... if you came up to Chickenstock... Just saying....
I want some penciled palms.....who is this "Shawn" of whom you speak?
That would be me... TheOldGuy... LOL I'm not as old as I feel!!! (or look either...)

They say that God only made a few perfect heads and the rest he covered with hair...
Shawn with working full time and going to school full time, I am not going to make any promises this year. I would love to get my hands on some penciled palms and I do worry about my ability to sucessfully hatch some but I know I promised you last year and I just didn't have the time. When is Chickenstock this year? BTW, really nice picture of you!
I'm in. Not hatching turkeys. I did last year, for the Easter hatch.
I have a 1 acre yard, and they don't like staying in it. I don't like keeping them penned 24/7, so I had to sell the turkeys last fall.

I do have some muscovy eggs arriving just in time to be set for the hatch though. And I'm setting what I get from my serama, calls, d'uccles, and geese weekly pretty much at the moment so I might as well set to hatch for the hatch a long too.

And just in case you had any doubt about their allure:

Is that a Turken centerfold?

That would be me... TheOldGuy... LOL I'm not as old as I feel!!! (or look either...)

They say that God only made a few perfect heads and the rest he covered with hair...
Hello again, Shawn!

You're not holding a grudge against ol' Wisher, now are you? You know I was thinking of another member when I typed theoldguy, right? ANYONE can see that not only aren't you old, but you are quite handsome and obviously caring and generous, as well......

.....now, about those penciled palms............
(wispering to Wisher) now you know that kissing up doesn't become you right? What would the boys on the force say?
Welcome to all the new hatchers. Hopefully y'all have a great sense of humor. Don't hesitate to let it out.

You've been warned. The translation is that if you have a dry wit and aren't afraid of facetiousness, delirium, and a kaleidoscope of random observations, you'll have a lovely time. We don't bite, but we cackle and drool...and point and laugh.

Quick question. I keep reading/hearing you should have some chicks with new poults to teach them how to eat and drink. Since I'm expecting chicks for Easter do you think they'll be too old to put the May poults in with? Or should I just plan on setting a couple of chicken eggs a week after the turkeys just in case? I feel like I have plenty of chickens right now so I don't really want to do that, but I will if I have to.
Bahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!! You'll fit right in, with these crazy statements.
"...plenty of chickens...." Oh, you slay me... {wipes tears, gasping}

you don't HAVE to have turkey tutors

you can use chicks.. but you don't HAVE to

Indeed. Heed the words of the House of Tutor. As it is written on the walls, in the archives, in THE VERY SOULS of our Forefeathers, it will be done. Thou shalt set TUTORS.

You do know SCG you were the ONLY person to see Jay Leno in that rock. We wanted to tell you but we know how "fragile" you are.

...She means, we've seen your designs and all...you've got a very creative mind. Just back away from the sharp objects...

Okay, I've just worked 18 hours straight, overnight, and had a one hour nap. It was very physical labor and I'm pooped. My job is generally sales and I have tons of flexibility, but once in a while have to offer myself up for physical brute labor, because that's what the client needs...and there aren't customers overnight, so that's when you do it. I hurt. And I'm tired. And no one else in the house (tiny, tiny house with extra people because I take in stray family memebers...no not a typo, my family are bonkers and memes can't do them justice) seems to comprehend that it might be a good idea to SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME NAP since I have to be on the road by 4 am again...

Why do I feed these people? I ought to let them go hungry.
You've been warned. The translation is that if you have a dry wit and aren't afraid of facetiousness, delirium, and a kaleidoscope of random observations, you'll have a lovely time. We don't bite, but we cackle and drool...and point and laugh.

Originally Posted by Wisher1000

(whispering back to Dsqard) SHUSH! I wasn't kissing up, I was flirting, and it would be nothing new to the boys in blue, they would expect no less.
Yeah usually like this:

Wisher it didn't look like flirting but if you say so....................

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