Second level, increase square footage?


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
If I have multiple levels in my coop, do each of the levels add to the square footage of the coop? For example a 5' x 5' coop would have a square footage of 25 sq. ft., but if there were an interior platform (obviously comforably accessible to the chickens) inside running the length of one wall that was, say, 2' x 5', would the square footage of the coop then be 35 sq. ft. (25 sq. ft. on the floor and 10 sq. ft. on the second level) even though the actual footprint of the coop hasn't changed?
If I have multiple levels in my coop, do each of the levels add to the square footage of the coop? For example a 5' x 5' coop would have a square footage of 25 sq. ft., but if there were an interior platform (obviously comforably accessible to the chickens) inside running the length of one wall that was, say, 2' x 5', would the square footage of the coop then be 35 sq. ft. (25 sq. ft. on the floor and 10 sq. ft. on the second level) even though the actual footprint of the coop hasn't changed?
If I have multiple levels in my coop, do each of the levels add to the square footage of the coop? For example a 5' x 5' coop would have a square footage of 25 sq. ft., but if there were an interior platform (obviously comforably accessible to the chickens) inside running the length of one wall that was, say, 2' x 5', would the square footage of the coop then be 35 sq. ft. (25 sq. ft. on the floor and 10 sq. ft. on the second level) even though the actual footprint of the coop hasn't changed?
I added 3 foot of height to a 4 x 6 coop to increase the ventilation. After I was done I added a removable poop board 1.5 feet wide and 4 ft long. They love the view and roost in it a lot when its hot (1 ft x 4 ft vents with 1/2" hardware cloth)
There is something to be said for cubic footage. It is better to have more height and thus is more spacious. Many of my chickens do get up on the roosts in the daytime and look out the window when it is stormy outside. Others may mill around on the floor. I think it definitely improves the situation to have more height.
I think adding height for chickens and not people just starts making it harder to clean. But if you can't swing a major expansion, every little bit does help. Simple because I've been expanding for 20 years, I now have 112 sq ft. for 11 hens. It's made MY life better in addition to theirs.
I think adding height for chickens and not people just starts making it harder to clean. But if you can't swing a major expansion, every little bit does help. Simple because I've been expanding for 20 years, I now have 112 sq ft. for 11 hens. It's made MY life better in addition to theirs.
My poop boards got a 2 x4 laid flat on the edge and the its covered in linoleum.(for easy cleaning)My next coop will be a chicken tractor twice this size. I've already added a "loading dock" to the run *adding feed to get them to go in it) .I agree 100% with you about space!
If it's a solid floor 2nd level, yes. If it's a 2nd level of just roost bars/perches, not really.

I have a layer of tree branch perches throughout my setup to utilize the vertical space and give chickens places to escape other than the ground if they were getting chased around/picked on. The chickens DO seem to go up in there during the daytime randomly to hang out for short amounts of time, but solid ground/foraging space would be the best addition. They sometimes go into their enclosed coop and will forage there as it's solid floor with deep bedding that I'll toss scratch into.

Coincidentally all my chickens ended up preferring these run perches as their sleeping roosts vs the enclosed coop itself, so I guess in the end I could have gotten away with an open-air coop and saved myself lots of $ and time building their coop :idunno
If I have multiple levels in my coop, do each of the levels add to the square footage of the coop? For example a 5' x 5' coop would have a square footage of 25 sq. ft., but if there were an interior platform (obviously comforably accessible to the chickens) inside running the length of one wall that was, say, 2' x 5', would the square footage of the coop then be 35 sq. ft. (25 sq. ft. on the floor and 10 sq. ft. on the second level) even though the actual footprint of the coop hasn't changed?
Poop boards can help, especially in winter when they are 'coop bound',
but I sure wouldn't factor it into the number of birds.
Putting a poop board into a 5x5 leaves only 3' for them to jump down,
not a good idea, IMO.

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