Seeking creative ideas for my garden art in winter


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
I have some cute garden art that was hand-made for me by my very talented neighbor. Now that the snow has arrived, I have brought it all inside for the season. These wooden chickens just seem too cute to put into storage. Anyone out there have a creative idea on how I could display them in the house? Other than putting them in my potted plants... boring.

They are approx. 12x12 with long legs made of metal (rebar?).


Those are too cute. What about decorating them for the season. Set them with pumpkins and gourds, some colorful leaves. Set them with santa hats among colorful lights and gifts. Mittens and snowmen for Jan, hearts, valentines, and cupids arrows for Feb........................

ETA--you can probably stick those rebar legs into a cork or something to prevent them from scratching furinture or floors
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Does your neighbor make them to sell? If so, get them to post them on the BST section! Those would make great christmas presents!!!

Do you have a porch? I'd put them in a bushel basket full of sand or something, then put some pumpkins and gourds etc on top around them.

Not sure how I'd use them indoors, but my house is so small I don't have room for many chotchkies but I'd love those out in my yard or garden!
My neighbor is very talented, indeed. We call her the fairy godmother. She is the "grandmother in waiting" for my three daughters.

She made those chickens for me for Christmas last year. Cut them out with a jigsaw and everything all on her own. I just love them!
Oh gee... maybe I should go be buddy buddy with your neighbor!!???

Those are super adorable. I've spent too much time this year planting and weeding to decorate... I guess I should start to think about it huh?!

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