Seems like it took FOREVER!!

I had told mine that anyone who didn't make eggs would make noodles. They realized noodles require both chicken and eggs. We were at a stale mate until I told them I would celebrate my first egg with a steak dinner.

Ha! I'm going to try that! Hubby stopped to get a dozen eggs the other day and said they were $3.79!! OMG! I looked out the window and said "C'mon girls... I'm going broke here waiting for you!"

And I had also heard that they would kinda squat if you put your hand over their back. None of mine have done that for me yet...
But on the upside, my 2 silkies that are very un-friendly (unbelievable for silkies, huh?) they actually let me pet them last night. So maybe they are getting closer..
I learned here and then witnessed in my own flock...
Combs and wattles turn bright red, when you approach a pullet she will kinda squat down for you like she would a rooster. Some of mine became more vocal. One who has always been quite flighty suddenly wants to be friends. Also, mine took a real interest in the free choice oyster shell. Good luck!
ok thank you one of my golden comets hatched the week prior to Easter is getting along with hubby and letting him let her and hubby doesnt have anything to do with the and her comb is much redder them her sister. One of my rhode island reds is doing the samething. Thanks again
Ha!  I'm going to try that!  Hubby stopped to get a dozen eggs the other day and said they were $3.79!!  OMG!  I looked out the window and said "C'mon girls... I'm going broke here waiting for you!"

And I had also heard that they would kinda squat if you put your hand over their back.  None of mine have done that for me yet... :hit   But on the upside, my 2 silkies that are very un-friendly (unbelievable for silkies, huh?) they actually let me pet them last night.  So maybe they are getting closer.. :fl

Whatever it takes! Lol Egg prices are getting ridiculous. The bird flu seems to be taking its toll.

Some of mine squat. Some don't. I think it was a couple weeks after the very first girls seemed like they should lay any day. I think they enjoyed making me wait.
ok thank you one of my golden comets hatched the week prior to Easter is getting along with hubby and letting him let her and hubby doesnt have anything to do with the and her comb is much redder them her sister. One of my rhode island reds is doing the samething. Thanks again

You're welcome! You may have a week or so to go. I think that's how mine went. I still have a few not laying. All are the same age
when were your chickens hatched? Mine are withon a week of eachother and the earliest hatched a week before Easter. Thanks pinkmartin73
I thought I was going to put my nesting boxes on top of the shelf in my coop about 3 feet high but I read in my chicken magazine that the boxes are supposed to be lower than the roosts. Should I reconsider and mount them under the shelf or lower? My coop is only 4X8 feet so I'm trying to use as much of it as I can.

With that design I would lift the lower end of the roost setup and build the best boxes under that . Attaching the lower end of the roost bar to the top of the best boxes. This will let you have chicks in if you decide to later, and reduce the height difference between the roosts causing less fights.
The other place would be along the wall away from the escape hatch.
I put golf balls in my nest boxes I read some place that that will help the hens to understand to lay her eggs in the nest boxes. My one hen that is showing signs of getting ready to lay is not roasting at night but laying on hay next to the nest box she was in before she started sleeping on the hay pile. Should I remove some golf balls? Maybe sge doesnt like them? Any thoughts? Thanks
I put golf balls in my nest boxes I read some place that that will help the hens to understand to lay her eggs in the nest boxes. My one hen that is showing signs of getting ready to lay is not roasting at night but laying on hay next to the nest box she was in before she started sleeping on the hay pile. Should I remove some golf balls? Maybe sge doesnt like them? Any thoughts? Thanks

You could try removing one , but they really shouldn't be sleeping on the floor or in a nest box unless they are sick or broody. My chooks removed the goofballs from the nests themselves when they started laying.

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