Seems like it took FOREVER!!

I'm just still amazed that I'm not the only person crazy over getting eggs!  lol 

Last night I did crack open my huge 80 gram egg from Monday.  I suspected a possible triple yolk, but it was a double.  I would guess the one I got yesterday will just be a double also, but maybe a triple.  I've only gotten 2 or 3 other doubles, and they weren't very big eggs. I feel sorry for the poor girl that keeps pushing those things out... Ouch.

I think you said that wrong. You didn't need to say "over getting eggs" just CRAZY! Lol

I am thinking about making noodles for the freezer. I had to promise not to use the jumbo eggs. Hubby wants those boiled just in case there are several yolks.
I think you said that wrong. You didn't need to say "over getting eggs" just CRAZY! Lol

I am thinking about making noodles for the freezer. I had to promise not to use the jumbo eggs. Hubby wants those boiled just in case there are several yolks.

Good point! :gig

I need to get a pasta maker!

Had my first 8 egg day, from my 8 comet hens today! Yeah!!
Ok, I have a weird egg day. As mentioned, I moved my 8 golden comets Friday evening to our "camp" which is about 45 minutes from our house. I had read that hens can stop laying for a bit after a move, so yesterday, I was pleased with getting 8 eggs, but figured that might not be the case today. Well I didn't get 8 today, I got 9! 6 were perfect, 2 were soft and busted, but complete, and another was tiny and shriveled looking, and not shaped perfectly, but the shell was hard. I did try candling it, and I'm not sure there is a yolk in it, but its hard.
And I'm most happy that they are all laying in their new coop, and not (yet) finding places out free ranging.
Wonder who laid me 2 today?
I used to cut all my noodles by hand. Roll them out and cut with a pizza cutter. I recently bought a pasta maker though. It was new in the box at a thrift store for $6. I priced one like it on amazon for $70. I havent tried it out yet.

That's definitley a weird egg day! Out of 11 girls it would be crazy if I got 13 eggs.
I got four hard shell eggs today!!
I'm almost done with my coop. Right now they are in a shed with a makeshift nesting box. It will probably be a couple of months before I get the run done but for now they are free ranging and loving it. I just hope some of the hens aren't laying somewhere in the yard.......
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Newbs laying in the yard isn't unheard of. Hopefully, they aren't! That's great. Making progress always feels so good. You must post pics when everything is done.

Congrats on the eggs too! I got 7 today but dropped one on the way to the house. I really need to either make a gathering apron or get a basket.
Newbs laying in the yard isn't unheard of. Hopefully, they aren't! That's great. Making progress always feels so good. You must post pics when everything is done.

Congrats on the eggs too! I got 7 today but dropped one on the way to the house. I really need to either make a gathering apron or get a basket.
5 eggs today! I have 3 more older hens to start laying. My other 4 will be towards the end of September I think. My coop is a recycled wooden shed with recycled furnishings. Nothing to post lol. Hopefully next summer I will have a nicer one. Yes, you need to get a basket and so do I!
5 eggs today!  I have 3 more older hens to start laying.  My other 4 will be towards the end of September I think.  My coop is a recycled wooden shed with recycled furnishings.  Nothing to post lol.  Hopefully next summer I will have a nicer one.  Yes, you need to get a basket and so do I!

I found another egg late yesterday. Was weird. I usually get all my eggs early. As of last night, I have a broody girl. She's been trying to go broody almost since her 1st egg. I don't really want chicks right now. But she's such a sweet girl and seems to really want to hatch. She slept on a ceramic egg in a nest box last night. I may watch her a couple days and if she still seems adament...might try it. I'm setting aside a few eggs just in case. She's an EE. I will probably put an assortment under her.

We built our coop out of mainly found materials. Its not pretty by any standard. It works for now.
Hi All, I have been very busy with the grand kids but I got my first egg. Yeah!!! So very happy. Now if the other 8 would lay, yah gotta love those girls.

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