Serama HElP!!!!

Sadly i don't have a silkie. Someone told me they have had success with integrating 6 day old chicks max to their broody hens. I probably won't be able to get a silkie in the first place because my mom might not want one. She said the seramas are fine because i am investing into them myself, but probably not the silkie. If i were to raise them myself how would i integrate them into the flock? i just thought if whitney goes broody she would be the best bet in my flock since she is the smallest chicken. Some of my friends have bantams that live with and have very high pecking order ranks with the standard sized hens. In fact the person I'm getting them from has them stay in the same yard.
Sadly i don't have a silkie. Someone told me they have had success with integrating 6 day old chicks max to their broody hens. I probably won't be able to get a silkie in the first place because my mom might not want one. She said the seramas are fine because i am investing into them myself, but probably not the silkie. If i were to raise them myself how would i integrate them into the flock? i just thought if whitney goes broody she would be the best bet in my flock since she is the smallest chicken. Some of my friends have bantams that live with and have very high pecking order ranks with the standard sized hens. In fact the person I'm getting them from has them stay in the same yard. View attachment 1210178
Polishes and easter eggers aren't known for going broody Especially Polishes, Infact it's very rare for a polish to go broody and stay broody. Yes I do have a few bantams with my standards that manage to not get pecked on but they are bantams not seramas.. I don't think you understand how small they are. Seramas and standards just don't mix. This is a fully grown serama rooster perched on someone's hand..Now imagine having a fully grown standard size chicken perched on your hand. He would have a very difficult time defending himself from standard size chickens.

could i maybe see a picture of this person with his/her seramas in with their standards?
I have never been to her house but she has told me numerous stories her flock and how serama roos and her standard size roos roost together sometimes. She says she has a grand champion serama is what she uses to breed tho. Other people even recommend going through her too.
I've never heard of a serama breeder who keeps their Grand champion roosters in with normal sized rooster.. Sound a bit weird. I'd ask her for a picture to see what he looks like. How much is she selling them to you for? Grand champion chicks would go for quite the price.
Me neither. And I'm not keeping my seramas with any of my other chickens. Not even my bantam cochins and silkies. -with the exception of them hatching some.
I haven't seen the grand champion rooster, id have to have her show me a pic. But from everyone else I've talked to in person they said she has the best seramas out here.

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