set up a dirt bath

Mtn Laurel, I just got done reading your coop building story and have to say what a wonderful read it was! Your coop is beautiful (kudos to your husband on the construction) and the way you told the story of building it was clear and fun to read. Thank you for sharing your experience!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the read. It was fun to write as we were puttering along working on the coop. My husband is amazed at the number of people that have read the coop page and I always make sure I let him know when someone compliments the coop. It makes him smile!
I'm very new to BYC and keeping chickens. But the first thing I did do was place an old tyre in my coop for their dust bath, I've not looked back, the girls are in it constantly. We have also loose sand out of the coop that they head straight for when let out. I feel the dust bath has eliminated the mites and lice none have appeared on my two.
Hi! The ground is frozen here and the only diggable dirt or sand I have access to is at the tidal line at the beach. Will this be too salty to expose them to? I would like to give them a fresh dirt bath and everything they have locally to buy has fertilizer in it.
Hi! The ground is frozen here and the only diggable dirt or sand I have access to is at the tidal line at the beach. Will this be too salty to expose them to? I would like to give them a fresh dirt bath and everything they have locally to buy has fertilizer in it.

I buy children's play sand for the dust bath I also put some wood ash in it kills all lice and mites I am told. I also add D.E it works for me I live in a hot humid climate and rains constantly. This may work for you. I have it in their run. Hope this helps.
Thanks! A friend told me to fill an old pillow case with beach sand and rinse it with fresh water and let dry. I'm sure it would be fine after that. I do have a wood stove however so adding the ash would probably be nice for them. Thanks for your suggestion.

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