Sewandgrow's Third Annual "Friends of A Feather" Poultry Party, Turlock CA, May 3rd, 2015 (Chat Thre

Beautiful eggs! Where did they ship from? I have the hardest time hatching shipped eggs even when I follow the directions for shipped eggs.

They came from Texas. I made a mistake and sanded about half pretty clean but got impatient and washed the other half. Kern
So what do we need for food? I always wait until the last and just fill in a gap. It makes decision making so much easier!

So far we have My chicken main course, chili & cupcakes, cookies & pasta salad, Chinese cabbage salad, potato salad, fresh salsa & chips, orzo pasta salad...snow cones, cotton candy & popcorn.
One week to go before the party - I am getting excited! I am bringing bantam cochin eggs for the egg swap, and maybe some royal palm turkey eggs as well. I also have some fun things picked out for the raffle table. What are other folks bringing?

Cochinbator Successfully completed incubation;)
I'M shooting to have buff brahma bantam, oegb, buff and white black tailed Japanese bantams, Rir, barred rock and possibly some others depending on cooperation between now and Sunday =) might even bring some fun duck eggs and make some new friends. Hopefully I can swap for some Turkey eggs, goose eggs or duck eggs =) and I'll get to pick up some Sumatra eggs I'm so eggcited ;)

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