Sexing Silkies


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 13, 2008
Lindale, TX
I have recently gotten into Silkies, and am unconfident in my ability to sex them. I have adults and they are obvious but I have others that are only about 12 weeks old. The ones I think are Roosters have a slight bump above the beak and the others have a concaved spot that I think must be hens. What do ya'll think?

Thanks for your help
It's tough... Some very well experienced people can have difficulties sexing their silkies till they either crow or lay an egg. I can only sex mine 100% when they reach about 5 months old. Before that and a few are always a toss up. Large comb devlopment and "streamers" off their head are signs of a male.
That's what a breeder here in Florida I get my silkies from told me. That you feel above the beak and if there is a bump it's a cockeral and if it's flat then you have a pullet. So far the ones I have and she sold me are right on with that method. Plus one is getting the little streamers on it's head and she said that is another sign on a roo.
Not to change the subject but after a silkie chick hatches, it is full grown at what age and should start laying at what age? Thank you all for all this info
I think the average is around 5-6 months when they start laying. It also depends on the amount of day light. All chickens need at least 14 hours of day light to lay regurally.

The streamers (LOng skinny feathers that are longer than the fuzz) was the only way I could tell with my Partridge Silkie male. He still, at 4 months, doesn't have a comb. But he has the streamers.

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