Shipping and Receiving Pea eggs contest!

They have a long 21 days to go,but a small celebration is in order,,:) (I'll sample later for both of us),I've now had 2 BSSP eggs quit within a day of hatching,,,but the single BSSP chick I have has me wondering who it's dad is,,the early eggs I collected from my BSSP hens could have been fertile from when they all was in Bigcreekpoultry's overflow pen,,and the lone BSSP chick I have looks 100% IB,,,No white wing feathers at all,and a dull brown feather color much like an IB chick,,,time will tell,,and my Charcoal is still doing flips inside the egg,,no pip yet,but still very much alive.
They have a long 21 days to go,but a small celebration is in order,,:) (I'll sample later for both of us),I've now had 2 BSSP eggs quit within a day of hatching,,,but the single BSSP chick I have has me wondering who it's dad is,,the early eggs I collected from my BSSP hens could have been fertile from when they all was in Bigcreekpoultry's overflow pen,,and the lone BSSP chick I have looks 100% IB,,,No white wing feathers at all,and a dull brown feather color much like an IB chick,,,time will tell,,and my Charcoal is still doing flips inside the egg,,no pip yet,but still very much alive.
That's odd about the BSSP, you'd think chances would be slim of it being a solid color, especially since mama is BSSP as well?
That Charcoal baby is just doing it on purpose, I know it! HE will be out soon! :)
I dont think any of my eggs are fertile :( They are all just black :(... Kedreeva got any idea when those eggs are getting shipped?

I think I may have mistaken the names in a rush to get out the door when I answered that question- I don't know how many Poultryfan is getting, Groundpecker got 4 of them.

Poultryfan, I'll get with you in PMs to talk about this :)
Candled my 5 Bronze B/S eggs from DAS last night,,2 was clear,,and the three remaining all seems to be at diffrent stages of development,,never seen anything like it before,,one got super dark after being incubated only about 3 days,,as dark as an egg that had incubated 20 days or so and the air sack is super small,another of these 3 eggs still shows veins,,and the last one seems to be developing normal,,will candle the 6 Cameo eggs from Ga next,,
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Alright I just got done candling on day ten and it's exactly the same results as day six, but this time I counted who's growing and who's not.

So here's what I've got as of tonight:
5/6 B/S Silver Pied
2/5 Bronze
2/3 Blue Pied
2/2 Opal B/S
0/2 Midnight B/S
1/1 India Blue
0/1 Purple

Total is 12/20. Not too shabby.
A couple looked darker than the others, but I'm assuming that's just shell thickness coming into play, I don't know, but I saw movement in a couple (candled as quick as I could) so I'm hopeful. The little Wild Thang baby was waving at me the most! :)

I'm really hoping these guys can pull through for me. The last few hatches (chickens and ducks) I've had have gone well up until hatch day, and ended with zero or very little percent hatching.

How's everyone else doing??

ETA: The air sacs looked GREAT from what I could tell. A couple were just a little bit oddly shaped, not terribly, but they weren't moving around or anything, so that's good news. :)
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one got super dark after being incubated only about 3 days,,as dark as an egg that had incubated 20 days or so
Be really careful with that one... The last time I had an egg do this, it turned out to be a glob of growing meat. It wasn't a danger to the other eggs (didn't smell or explode, but it was DISGUSTING

Also, the first of the people I sent to messaged me. She reported that of the 4 eggs one of them had a detached air cell, and none of them began to grow. That's one of the reasons I had offered the eggs free (the other being I wasn't allowed to hatch here) because I wasn't sure who their parents would be or if they would do well growing/hatching. I just messaged the second person I sent to, to see if she had any better luck.
All 6 eggs bought off e-bay that was Cameo's are NO GOOD!!! What is it with me and Cameo's? I know over the past 3 years I've bought over 30 Cameo eggs from at least 6 diffrent sellers,,I did get 2 of them to hatch,both came from Bigcreekpoultry,,but they are Cameo B/S and both hens,,,and at Mt Hope this spring,only about 2 Cameo males was sold,and they was split to spaldings,,which I will not have,,I think any Cameo eggs destined to come to my zip code gets hexed right from the git-go!!
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Alright I just got done candling on day ten and it's exactly the same results as day six, but this time I counted who's growing and who's not.

How's everyone else doing??
Day 18 just candled. Not good. :) I had air sac movement as reported I think on 4 out of the 6 pretty bad in beginning. One airsack was odd shaped. I candled the 4 moving airsacs that really didn't show any progress. #5 started but irregular airsac now moved around badly. Being new at peas but old at chickens knew it wasn't going to make it. I took 5 out opened and was right. The 5th had started developing but had died. I have one IB left. It has good airsack, progressed I seen movement on day 10 but see none now, that's concerning. Put back in incubator and will wait my 10 more days on it and hope for the one, but doesn't look promising. I don't know what past history is on mailed hatching eggs, but this year has been so hot could this be a big part in the low rate of hatch?
High temps before incubation cuts hatch rates badly,thats why before incubating try to keep eggs cool,,in the 55-60 degree range,,,buying and shipping pea eggs now with much higher temps outside compared to March-May( in most cases) is a bad idea because of the excessive heat,,eggs inside a shipping truck with outside temps of 90 plus will ruin them before you get them.Let alone the constant vibrations and jarring they get

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