shock collar for runaway dog?

My dog does the same thing. I also thought about the shock collar, but figured he would just keep running. Animal Control has already threatened a ticket.

I don't know how to stop him, but if anyone figures it out, please let me know.
yep, im with you!
it sucks.
hes not getting much at husband leaves early, comes back when its dark...the kids and i dont walk him because he freaks out on the leash..
the weird thing? when he will stay inside, when the windows and doors are shut...he is so mellow. no barking, running around..he lays there and chills out.
Yep, but when that door or window opens...BAM. Trying to find a way out of there. Am I right?

In our case, we had the "double" collar method. One collar was for the doorway, another was the fencing. Neither one worked well enough. So...he is now inside the apartment, and constantly locked up before the door opens. He got out one time...a good samaritan got him into their car he jumped in willingly) and they called the phone number stitched on his collar. He acted like he was all happy to see me, but I know the truth...he was plotting his next escape...
LMAO!! You dog is smarter than you are, it's getting away and running despite your attempts to keep him restrained isn't he?? Lab mix... one of THE smartest dogs, easiest trained too. All a lab wants to do is please it's owner.

Because no one in your household wants to take the time to SPEND time and train the dog, he is basically head of household and he does as he pleases. There's nothing stupid about that. If you were able to do whatever you wanted at any time with no one to stop you, wouldn't you?

Make sure that anyone you try and rehome this dog with knows that you haven't spent the time to train him, so that they will.

Not trying to be mean, but those are the facts. I've had many dogs and I have nine right now, each has their own quirky personality and each has to be trained a bit differently. The SMART ones are the hardest to train.

Good luck in whatever you choose. And I'll send a blessing to the pup.
That's common....indoor energy level and outdoor energy level are DIFFERENT things.... This dog NEEEEEDS exercise...BADLY If your husband and kids are set on keeping him, he needs to go to training classes to learn how to walk on a leash properly so that he can be exercised properly....which probably means AT LEAST a mile a day. How long is his tie-out? Does he retrieve well?.....if he has a long enough tieout and is a willing retriever, at the very least have the kids go out and play fetch with him for as long as their arms can handling throwing. Do you have a basement?...if so, finished/unfinished?....if you have an unfinished basement you could have the kids play fetch with him in the basement so he could run loose?
Um yeah, lack of exercise is a big thing then.

I have a Lab mix, he's 100% energy. When he's tired of fetching he will lay down --- give him 10 minutes of power nap and he's back up to full power again!!!!!! I got him coz my other dog is SOOOOO lazy she's boring, but he's almost too much!! Walks tire him out in a way that fetching doesn't though. All dogs need to walk.

Having an adult dog who freaks out on the leash must be very difficult. I'm sure he can be trained to a leash though, I mean you did say that you can tie him out, right? When my puppy was little and fighting the leash, we did tie her to a tree to let her fight it out - coz the tree had more patience than we did.
Both of my dogs walk on a prong collar, so if a flat collar isn't working for you you should try the prong. It's a lot safer than a chain choker collar.
We use a prong with one of our dogs sometimes. The biggest thing to keep in mind with a prong is that if you have a dog that will still pull consistently even with it should NOT use that type of collar with them. Most dogs will stop pulling VERY quickly when they feel the pinch of the prongs....but a few will pull regardless...those few should not have a prong collar used on them.
My dog is trained.(i guess.. sort of.
..).and she will still escape if she can.... (she is like that flippin Mcguiver guy..too darn smart)
When shes with us.. she listens very well.(come stay sit...etc..).but if shes in her dog pen and she gets out...shes GONE...
One day..i stopped chasing her and said "fine..dont come home again either!" and i went back home... i was just so frustrated with her...
20 minutes later she came up to the deck all out of breath and happy as a clam wanting to be let back in the pen....
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