Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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yeah... if you can free range and get them out of the box... then they can sort out who gets which chicks and which direction they wnat to go..

But I hate to fix something that aint broken . lol

I know right. Don't really want to mess with them if I don't have to.
Some hens will kill wandering chicks. I've had certain hens do fine with her chicks with plenty of other hens and pullets running around. Those few hens are dominant though they make a few noises and the rest clear the way. Let a chick wander into another hens pen while she's sitting on eggs and there's a good chance the chick don't make it back out.

Yeah, I originally moved them to a separate pen for that very reason. Didn't want the other loose hens to start a slaughter. After the first hatch Saturday morning there was about 6 or 8 eggs left unhatched so I put them in the box part of the pen. One of the hens sat on them that night and hatched another one the next morning. When I checked on it an hour later it had gotten pecked to death. I guess it wandered out of the safe box into the run and one of the hens decided to cull. That was the only casualty of the whole bunch, so far. After that I put the rest of the eggs in the incubator and so far three more have hatched, but I won't be introducing them to the group.
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I really like him the problem is that I have a four year old and I'm afraid she will open the pen one day. I always lock them up but you never know, that stag really dislike people.
grab him up in.his pen, hold onto his butt not his tail feathers the knot at the base actual body as he's facing away put him on the ground and with your other hand firmly press him to the ground and pet him. Not letting him up. He's gonna turn and bite but that's just what happens. After a while he should calm. Do this day after day. When u go in his pen go straight for him. I did this with a roundhead and an Albany stag and both are doing better. An old Mexican man showed this to me a couple weeks ago. Just letting them wail does not work for me cause they don't stop to the point of knocking spurs off




Jackpot! Finally got the only black pullet I wanted. The chase was on in the dark lol. She bailed out of the trees on me
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