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I have some poppy seeds I got from a friend. Chickens ate them as sprouts.. I cant grow much because chickens peck everything that starts growing, even if they dont eat it.
Thought of the no crow collar for him if he was to be wild but he's super content before it was the opposite but that's only cuz he was primed up. However I could not put numerous collars on birds,

For one too much work, two it's just not right I couldn't bare wth myself to have 4-5 roosters muzzled. So I'll just have to deal with just having him for now, should be getting a Joe Goode grey pullet soon for breeding once I get a fly pen built for him, got him in the hen house at night and line during the day. Not much yard or much less even my yard to go nuts with chicken housing :/
That was a joke. I would never put a collar of any kind on a rooster.
This is obsurd, bananas I say. It has rained in some way every frazling day for ever. August us supposed to be dry here. Average is like 1.5" to date for August so far this August like 12 or some crap.


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  • 2017-06-11_17.45.37.jpg
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Same here I've had more rain this summer than usual. I'm adding straw right now to some pens again while getting chewed up my mosquitos. This is bullsh*t.
I'd rather break ice out the cups all day long than deal with this.
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