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Sometimes I'll even skip a day so they'll clean it all. Nothing's molded here yet thankfully I've got 3pt feeders in the kelsos pen 2 waters, 2 feeders in the Warhorse which probably eats the most and two waters. The pumpkins get a mason jar and a half every other day and the hatches get free choice I know he's over weight most likely but he has to have it piled up due to broken beak.

And her BLRW eat like horses they just get 16% layer and a bit of cracked corn so far.
question, I have a six month old Harold Brown Gray stag that I notice as his tail feathers have grown in, that they have lines going across them. I'll have to get a new picture of him, as the one seen here is about a month ago, and he's now grown some since. I had them in a large pen that didn't have grass but I'd grab some grass and fallen apples as the fall season hit along with free choice layer pellets once they were four months old. Yet these lines in his tail feathers say he went hungry off and on through this molt. Is this from not feeding scratch grains that would have prevented this? I don't see any of this in the pullet I also have or the other regular chickens I raised with them. And I see it's only in his tail feathers. Nothing wrong with his wings. Thanks ahead of time for any thoughts on this!
I know a lot of guys like a balanced bagged feed of pellets but imo grains are good for em. No scientific data to back it up. Some grains and seeds are better than others in nutritional value.
No sport mix 21% protein 10%fat same thing I feed my dog. This is just off my head but I know it's sport mix and pretty close to those numbers.
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question, I have a six month old Harold Brown Gray stag that I notice as his tail feathers have grown in, that they have lines going across them. I'll have to get a new picture of him, as the one seen here is about a month ago, and he's now grown some since. I had them in a large pen that didn't have grass but I'd grab some grass and fallen apples as the fall season hit along with free choice layer pellets once they were four months old. Yet these lines in his tail feathers say he went hungry off and on through this molt. Is this from not feeding scratch grains that would have prevented this? I don't see any of this in the pullet I also have or the other regular chickens I raised with them. And I see it's only in his tail feathers. Nothing wrong with his wings. Thanks ahead of time for any thoughts on this!
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If all birds were fed the same and he isn’t light like the hen(s) weren’t letting him eat it’s probably just genetics. As long as all your other birds are fine I wouldn’t change anything. A lot of birds m have been inbred so long they may not be the strongest health wise.
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