Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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centra, I don't for one second believe you are the only gamefowl owner in your county.
perhaps the others are avoiding you, lol
I have a job that allows me to look around. One other has gamefowl although they appear to be acquired from a hatchery. They are dunghill to the extreme where half dozen cocks run free on same roughly 10 acre plot centered on multiple out buildings. Most gamefowl guys I know of are to the the west and rather large. Pinion Hatch is is in county to west (northeastern Boone county) but a big chunk of their business appear to be internet sales of items good for a lot things, some well outside of gamefowl.
I think yall misunderstood me.
I love them dogs. Never had an issue with any "pits" and I have met hundreds I bet...except 1 that mauled one of my dogs a couple months back but he's fine and dandy now.
So i do know there's a lot of aggressive pits in the area. One guy, at a local chicken spot, even told me that he keeps actual game pits and many others in the area do too (i can't confirm that though)
Dobermans are the more aggressive breed I think, but make exellent guard dogs.
I did get bit right on the keister when I was about 9 or 10 by a Rott. That sucked. I remember she broke her chain to get to me just as I started climbing the fence and Bam! Right cheek hasn't felt the same since LOL
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I was on the Pinnion page and saw they sell Radios

Take a look at one of their more Lemon Hackled birds

Now compare it to my stag up (first picture)
I'm telling you boys I got the real deal :D
Just got the last load for the night still got a few odds and ends at the old place but we are sleeping in the new place tonight.
I've been going all day since about 10ish and still feel like absolute crap sore from head to toe all my joints hurt like heck and that was before I started moving junk but things still have to be done. Idk what this crap is but I hurt all over hopefully it'll pass soon.
Well thanks for raining on my parade lol

That's a lot of omelettes man
Expensive omelettes to, lol. With all the rain I've had it's not easy to keep the nests clean, I'm about to run out of clean ( not muddy ) ground to move my pens to. This whole place has turned into a stinking mud hole, one of my pens I have to move with the frontend loader on my tractor. I can't even think about driving it down there, it's a muddy mess.
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