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Image taken just before dark at about time the young birds go hawking for June beetles. Some will stay out after sun down to catch beetles becuase they are easy to see. Stags most inclined to do it.
but its August... not June. jk

I have a stag that goes to bed late. Doesnt seem to be chasing anything specific tho.

Mine have been going crazy for the Japanese beatles, but those come out in the day. I wish they would eat flies.. I think the extra humidity is beneficial for the flies because they have been out in force this past month
The orange ones brother


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but its August... not June. jk

I have a stag that goes to bed late. Doesnt seem to be chasing anything specific tho.

Mine have been going crazy for the Japanese beatles, but those come out in the day. I wish they would eat flies.. I think the extra humidity is beneficial for the flies because they have been out in force this past month

June beetles start in May and end in September. More than one species involved an possibly more than one generation.

With stag staying up late, does he run back and forth a lot in yard? If yes, then look closer for something like craneflies. My will also hawk for breeding ants and termites. Sometimes they can get good quality crop fill with minimal effort.
Interesting... Dont know if your kidding around or not, but Id be interested to know if female hormones prevent cock feathering, or vise versa. 

Not kidding. Coloration without hormones will look like a cock. Both hens and cocks produce testosterone. Big difference is the relative amounts of the two hormones. Removing ovaries lowers the amount of estrogen relative to testosterone promoting male feathering. The hennie look is caused by an overactive enzyme in hennie males that breaks down the testosterone into estrogen making for a testosterone : estrogen ratio in the feather making tissue more like a hens.
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