Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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Seems they develop into egg eaters and blood feather eaters, I need to do more research of course, but seems several EE folks have had problems that a feed change corrected.

Right now I have them on a mix of layer, black sunflower, scratch, and highest protein chick starter I can get.

Plus what ever else I decide to toss to them... today they got squash, peppers, and citrus on top of red feed mix
gotcha, May have been bored with their current feed before it was changed also. Anyway gamwbird starter has a lot of protein. When I raised pheasants I remember it being high content

My new bob bennett hatch grey cock
nice alroy
Black hen (butch) is actually acting like a rooster and called all 4 of these hens in for food.

There are no roosters free ranging so I think she took over as man of the yard. Heard her crow a few times as well..

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