Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

It must be a broad and deep flag, as type is more important than comb

These pictures makes me want to hurry and pick up my babies from speckledhen.I will be there in two days.I am sure I will have pictures once the babies are home.These are the babies on post 411.I also need to take pictures of my older chicks.The are fully feathered and no longer under any heat light.They are also full speed a head!!
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Yes, James, hurry and get these little goobers! They are the loudest, wildest bunch I've ever seen. When I reach in to shift feed in the feeder, one particular chick jumps on my arm and runs up to my shoulder then sits down to enjoy the view. They are a crazy bunch! They love scrambled egg, but the chaos that ensues when the bowl goes in there is deafening!
I make sure to mash them up very small because I'm afraid that in the confusion, one will choke on a piece, trying to get it away from the others. Sounds like I have 50 in there, rather than just 19.
Thats a cute ...thing... speckledhen, and how funny about the chicks. I have one that will peep its little head off if I dont put my finger down there and let it peck my freckle...
cant figure the little bugger out. Its really need when I let them each tomato pieces, they rub their beaks on it like they are getting a drink
So cute.

rustyswoman. Oh my goodness. HOW CUTE!!!! Ohhhh I want some I want some I want some! But I cant have any
Not now, at least
Over on the show off your game threads, there is a BEAUTIFUL Asil Rooster. I'm wondering what the cross would look like with lesser dels... Now I need to quit
Speckled Hen, that really was a laugh out loud. Where you found the little chicks banging each other on the head... wonderful.

I want some that run up my arm! Oh yeah, I am going to have some!!!!

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