Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Gee, nobody posting much today. It makes me wonder if James was able to get his babies, or if "others," (who will remain unnamed, but who are not posting today) went to pick them up!
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Well we knew we couldn't get past Cynthia's security so we have a different plan. But we aren't telling you because you will foil our evil plans.
Hello? You ladies told on us last time do you really think we're dumb enough to tell you that we are going to pretend to have a flat tire on the road James takes home? And we brought lasagne.
What I do is alternate their water refills between a small pinch of AviaCharge 2000, then organic unfiltered ACV, then plain water, then back to AviaCharge again. I also give them chopped up scrambled or boiled egg once a day and I even gave them a tiny taste of plain yogurt for the cultures. Naturally, all that is in addition to chick starter that has amprolium and contains animal protein.

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