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I agree with Daniel, you want to have solid dividers at least four feet from the floor, and where your roost poles are solid dividers all the way to the roof. Here are some pics of what I have built. I might give you some ideas. Not the finest of workmanship, but all but the wire was second hand or scraps. So I'm pretty content with how they are working out.





The plywood in the back that goes to the roof on these is a little to narrow, I ran out of material. When I get some more I will add another 6 to 8 inches to make them wider so when they are on the roost they cant reach around the wood to see each other.

This last one I kept a trio in until one hen get started getting broody and was out to get the other.

As far as the hens goes, it really depends on the individuals. Some hens are easy to introduce to each other and some are as bad as the roosters. If you get them young and raise them together you'll have better luck with the trio's.
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ive never kept a rooter with my broody im just curious do you perfer it ? i dont own gamefowl i guess thats just how its done with them ?

Sorry, no I didn't see it.

Well, I wouldn't say that that's "how its done" with game fowl. But I had a real problem with another group that hatched earlier this year getting too aggressive at a very young age, and someone suggested that if I had a well behaved rooster to keep with them he might police their fights and keep the peace. The rooster in the picture is far and away the most well behaved chicken I own, so I figured I'd give it a try. So far he seems to be mildly curious about them and that is all. The broody is still on the nest and seems to get very uncomfortable when he gets too close, but I think they'll be fine as long as she doesn't go after him.
pride&joy :

Guess because he uses the best pic of that good looking gamecock, on all his auction. Even though he is not the father....Look on ebay most Pumpkin Hulsey Gamecock all look different. I have three all different, as you can see on this thread...Yes those are pics of MY birds.

Then people wonder why ,those chicks dont look like that gamecock......

Check his feedback on eggbid.

I purchased an auction from greenfire farms on eggbid last Sunday they sent me and invoice that very same day. Payment was sent by paypall same day birds did not ship and greenfire has not returned emails or phone calls since, it has been a week? Wonder if any one else has had similar experience with them?​

Spoke to greenfire today apparently they have been attempting to contact me? The chicks should ship this week, I post pics soon as I have them.
ive never kept a rooter with my broody im just curious do you perfer it ? i dont own gamefowl i guess thats just how its done with them ?

Sorry, no I didn't see it.

Well, I wouldn't say that that's "how its done" with game fowl. But I had a real problem with another group that hatched earlier this year getting too aggressive at a very young age, and someone suggested that if I had a well behaved rooster to keep with them he might police their fights and keep the peace. The rooster in the picture is far and away the most well behaved chicken I own, so I figured I'd give it a try. So far he seems to be mildly curious about them and that is all. The broody is still on the nest and seems to get very uncomfortable when he gets too close, but I think they'll be fine as long as she doesn't go after him.

You know, I used to use a nice big EE cock to keep the peace amongst my young fowl in a big fly pen until the day a 2 lb Asil stag almost killed his 6 lb ass! lol
looks like the same one to me its one of green fire farms game cocks

I'd have to agree. Looks like the same bird. Same white wing feathers, white feather in the tail, and white spot on other tail feather.
In the still photo he looks a little darker and standing better, but looks to be the same one. Still a very nice looking rooster.
I'm not sure how many chicks one bird could sire in a years time. I'm fairly new to controlled breeding and have got 30+ chicks from one rooster and 2 hens and its only April. Not saying that someone couldn't be using the picture to promote eggs or chicks that aren't related to the pictured rooster.
Thanks Cuda for posting true PH. Some need a reality check

Because they are simply in it to make a quick buck, IMO.

Think it is kind of sketchy that Paul's Rare Poultry took the hulsey's down since someone posted a link here about them. Do your research people.
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