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The fact that I don't have a bator helps me keep the count of my chickens low otherwise I would have way too many. I have been able to sell some off, but it hasen't been very easy. Maybe I'm just not advertising them in the right places + I usually don't like selling my hens unless I know I have some great ones to replace them with.
I'm sooo glad to see that there are other fans of Standard Games on here! There are some really nice pics of great looking birds on here!

I'm some what new to the site so hopefully I'll be able to get my pictures to show!

These are my newest purchase.
Cardinal Kelso x Hatch Cock



He isn't quite done molting.

These are Roundhead x Grey


Here's a couple more


Again, Love all the pics!
Hey Chief,

A few of y'all are a little futher south by the sounds of those temperatures. The low's here are consistently in the 20's now, with the high's barely getting above freezing. Not much egg laying going on here, and of course, no broodiness.
Thank you guys!

I'm actually just getting back to raising chickens in general. My father has been involved for years. Actually the Grey stag & Asil are his. He picked the Grey pair up for me a while back, and just hasn't had a chance to bring them down here. I've been trying to meet some folks that are into raising these fine fowl. It's a shame that they have been turned into such a Taboo. Game chickens are such a long standing tradition to so many different cultures all over the world.

Jonathanq1- By the way my father also lives in Delaware.

Heelerdog - Yea, its a little different climate down here in Florida. When I was a kid we lived in Ohio, so the layin & settin all happend in the spring & summer. I cant quite tell what my hens are doing, at this point. I've got 2 that went to laying 2 weeks ago, and they both have more than a dozen now. But I cant tell if they're going to set or if they are just faking me out. The rest of my hens aren't laying at all!

Here's the other pair I recently picked up.


He is Tulley Kelso & she is Marion Rose x Tulley Kelso
Does anyone have American Game bantams i heard that they were recently accepted to the APA and thought they would be easier to handle than the standards?
Yes, I have American Game Bantams, see the link in my signature line below to see photos of them. As for being easier to handle, in general I'd say yes, but depending on how they are bred they can be just as dead game as standard gamefowl or they can be simi-game only fighting until a pecking order is established. My greys & wheatens are simi, but my hatch bloodline is dead game. The gray bloodline will be, I'm crossing Law Gray into them, the wheatens will be also as I'm crossing Lacey Roundhead into them.
I got this old hen a couple of years ago- She looks like my old gray game hen in the top picture but instead of gray she's blue on her body. She set last year and was a fiece mother. Every one of her chicks that had any blue feathers at all were totally mean!! They jumped on all the other chicks and were constantly picking on the other chicks even at a few weeks old. I lost all of them because of a stupid mistake I made. What do you think she could be? She is the same size and body type as the gray hen in the first pic and their heads ae almost identical but she's blue!! LOL

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