Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

The rooster is trying to mate with my babies. I'm scared he will kill my babies because he's 11 months old & very violent towards my girls at times.
I just don't allow him near my babies.

Oh. Mine tries to mate with some 2 1/2 month old easter egger girls I have in the pen with them, but he hasn't really hurt them. Just annoyed them. :p Roosters sure can be a pain in the butt.
I put my rooster in a harness on a lead when I have all my kids out in the pen area. If the big girls want to get with him they can buy it's their choice.
I'm hoping he's just young (like a teenager) & finds his groove with my ladies; if not he's got to go because everyone else gets along. They peck each other but he pulls their head feathers & stands on their heads.I brought him in loved on him & gave him a strawberry bath. He hates that.
I am looking for a bearded showgirl pullet near Houston or from someone willing to ship. Any color but black (I already have a black silkie). I am not looking to breed or show, just want a pretty girl and am IN LOVE with this breed. Does anyone know of a Texas breeder?
What is the difference between a "bow tie" SG and a regular SG? This is the first rooster I have and I'm pairing him with my regular Silkie ladies

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