Silkies 4 months...can you tell their sex.?

Thank you.!!!:D
How many silkies do you have.? I want to have 4 all together & I’d love to have a rooster just zoning laws won’t allow him & I love Eddie he’s the sweetest bird and just a character :ya he/she is so funny, our grey baby is closer to my piggy than me lol she doesn’t like coming near us really sometimes she’ll get comfortable and come close to me on her own but I was beginning to think she was a rooster because she is such a mean girl hence her name Regina George lol. Hopefully tonight I can get better pictures so hopefully everyone can see their face & feathers better that way fingers crossed I’ll be able to try & get the sex lol.
I have two hens and three roosters, plus a chick I’m thinking now is a rooster :hit But I don’t keep them all together. The boys fight, so two are in separate pens with full sized hens.
Aww I’m sorry to hear that. Do you know what you’ll do with him?
Ohhh no :hithopefully it turns out to be a hen.! Yes thankfully the owner of the feed store we go to will take them in & said she’ll give us 2 hens Americanas for them but I searched for so long for my silkies makes me so sad :hittook me 2 years almost to finally get 2 because where I live feed stores rarely sell them & the breeders out here don’t give up their egg layers especially since they’re sold straight run which I totally understand but still :barnieI get attached so it makes me sad lol. I hope they’re both hens I really do but I never have good luck lol. I posted more pictures of Regina George the grey one I think is a hen, Eddie was moving around too fast so I couldn’t get any good views of him tonight I’ll try again in the morning.
I'm still waiting to discover the gender of all my silkies also.... patience is a virtue lol
:barnieI need patience lol.! Hopefully you have at least 1 hen in the bunch. Around what age do they a.) start to crow or b.) lay eggs.? I read that it’s usually about 8 month mark but others say different :confused:
Agree that the one with most turban/on piggy is female. other looks like a cockerel to me. Love the one I hatched that was a roo… social and funny. Very affectionate too. Darn it! Why do the roos have most personality?
Agree that the one with most turban/on piggy is female. other looks like a cockerel to me. Love the one I hatched that was a roo… social and funny. Very affectionate too. Darn it! Why do the roos have most personality?
Oh I know right.! I totally agree why do the roo’s have to be such characters lol I thought they’d be more stand off-ish and the hens more affectionate but I was wrong my pretty sure he’s a roo Eddie is such a lover. Regina George will only stand on my piggy & stare at us lol.
Good luck with your silkies. I have a silkie chick who's 10 weeks old and I think its a hen:fl.
The woman I bought "her" from said that you can't tell until they lay an egg or crow.She has had silkie's with streamers and saddles and she thinks they're roosters and then they lay an egg! you don't know.
Good luck with your silkies. I have a silkie chick who's 10 weeks old and I think its a hen:fl.
The woman I bought "her" from said that you can't tell until they lay an egg or crow.She has had silkie's with streamers and saddles and she thinks they're roosters and then they lay an egg! you don't know.
I know that’s what I’m beginning to think I need to go by, patience is a virtue lol I’m just inpatient especially since I don’t wanna wake up to him crowing & some rude neighbor calling city to have him taken, I have a home for them both because I don’t want to be selfish & separate them they’re way too attached, so I was hoping I would be able to tell before he crows that way he’s placed in a good safe home instead of taken. That’s why I think I’m so impatient with this lol. I hope hope
H O P E :ya they’re both hens. I’ve searched & waited so long to finally own a pair lol they’re hard to find out here especially since they can’t be sexed.
I have my fingers crossed for you as well that yours is a hen.!

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