~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

Hey guys! How are you all doing today?
Pretty good. What about you?
Okay gtg If you saw my pictures of my chickens in the sleet that I posted on here you know its below freezing here. (Well technically one degree above freezing at the moment lol) Ttyl!!

Late replies, sorry :( I was away for a bit, and only had time just now!

Woh, sounds pretty cold O-O I'm so not looking forward to winter here at the moment, the mud is just awful in the paddocks. (XD It gets a bit like that here, though not usually quite that cold...)
Ok, see ya!

Sorry I hasn't been on. The flu is 6 miles away from us, also im good. We are getting fertilized eggs tomorrow:) than in March they will hatch:)

It's fine, I haven't really either X3 That's great, hopefully it goes away completely! How exciting, (I decided the egg pun wouldn't be necessary there.) sounds like you'll have quite a good addition for your flock if they all hatch. Hope it all goes well, keep us posted C:
Hey guys! How are you all doing today?

Hey, HensandBrooks! (Anything we can call you for short? I like having nicknames for people... X3) I'm doing well, just got home from Church. We're having some relatives over for lunch, and then I'll probably just spend the rest of my day chilling. How about you? What's on everyone's schedule? :)
Cool! You can just call me books :) I'm probably just going to be in bed for the rest of the day I'm not feeling 100%. I don't really have any plans anytime soon besides celebrating a friends birthday Tuesday. :)

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