I think , if you cross PURE line of Blue and PURE line of Blue BS the first generation will be Blue .... the phenotype will be totally Blue like a pure blue peafowl . Spots of green on the wings are often coming from mix blood or spalding ascendants .There is no outward sign for the Blue peacocks split BS.
IB, or any color for that matter, can and usually do show a sign of split blackshoulder. The forward shoulder area will be partially black and iridescent.
@AugeredIn , did you want me to translate Jack07's questions from today? He didn't have a chance to do it, he said in his post.
Yeah, I hear you. We've all been fighting some kinda crud here, nobody's been feeling well. Give me a few minutes to make sure I have it right.
Merci pour vos reponses
Je constate que pour faire un tableau correcte il faut tenir compte des deux partenaires

Midnight Black shoulder cock: M/M:No/No:BS/BS
Midnight White Eye split Black Shoulder hen: M/M:We/We:BS/Nw

Je me demande si par exemple je veux croiser ma femelle avec un bleu classique homozygote IB/IB
Cela va me donner IB/M/We/BS et IB/M/We/Nw c'est á dire tous bleu mais split M, We, BS

Si je veux encore compliquer
Je croise maintenant ma femelle avec par exemple Cameo !!!!!

Si j'ai bien compris j'obtiendrai tous des bleus split Cameo split M split We, split BS

Problème supplémentaire Cameo = liée au sexé ?,,
Après cela je pense que j'aurais tout compris en génétique
Je n'ai pas le temps ce soir de traduire Merci
En anglais (in English)

Thank you for your responses.

I note that to make a correct table (Punnett square), it is necessary to count both partners.

Midnight Black shoulder cock: M/M:No/No:BS/BS
Midnight White Eye split Black Shoulder hen: M/M:We/We:BS/Nw

I ask myself, if for example, I want to cross my hen with a classic India Blue homozygous IB/IB --
That will give me IB/M/We/BS and IB/M/We/Nw which is to say all blue, but split M (midnight) WE (white eye) and BS (black shoulder).

[Not translating here, but a comment from me, Garden Peas: I think only half the chicks would be split BS, mom is split BS, she will only give the BS gene to one chick of two. I think it is listed correctly above.]
[@Jack07 , de moi, je pense que ne la moitié des poussins seront divisés nigripens car la paonne soit divisé soi même, alors elle ne le donnent qu'a un poussin de deux. Je pense que c'est correct au dessus.

If I wish to make it more complicated...
Now I believe that my hen has, for example, cameo!!!

If I understand correctly, I will obtain all blues split cameo, split midnight, split WE, split BS

An additional problem -- cameo lies on the sex gene?
After that, I think I will thoroughly understand the genetics.
I do not have time this evening to translate. Thank you.

Hope this helps,

Good Year to all our American friends .Many small peacocks. I hope to have many answers á my many questions Regards Jacky

Good Year to all our American friends .Many small peacocks. I hope to have many answers á my many questions Regards Jacky

Happy New Year to you too!

And may you have your many small answers to your questions come hatching season

With my best wishes for a wonderful year
IB, or any color for that matter, can and usually do show a sign of split blackshoulder. The forward shoulder area will be partially black and iridescent.
For me this peahen must be a Blue peahen ( phenotype totally Blue with no signe of BS ) and muts be split BS.

On the other hand,the father MUST be a Blue BS or a Blue split BS.
If this peahen was cross with a pure Blue peacock all the peachicks will be Blue and some of them Blue split BS.
The phenotype of this peahen shows any signs of BS peahen ?
En anglais (in English)

Thank you for your responses.

I note that to make a correct table (Punnett square), it is necessary to count both partners.

Midnight Black shoulder cock: M/M:No/No:BS/BS

Midnight White Eye split Black Shoulder hen: M/M:We/We:BS/Nw

I ask myself, if for example, I want to cross my hen with a classic India Blue homozygous IB/IB --
That will give me  IB/M/We/BS  and  IB/M/We/Nw  which is to say all blue, but split M (midnight) WE (white eye) and BS (black shoulder).

[Not translating here, but a comment from me, Garden Peas: I think only half the chicks would be split BS, mom is split BS, she will only give the BS gene to one chick of two.  I think it is listed correctly above.]
, de moi, je pense que ne la moitié des poussins seront divisés nigripens car la paonne soit divisé soi même, alors elle ne le donnent qu'a un poussin de deux. Je pense que c'est correct au dessus.

If I wish to make it more complicated...
Now I believe that my hen has, for example, cameo!!!

If I understand correctly, I will obtain all blues split cameo, split midnight, split WE, split BS

An additional problem -- cameo lies on the sex gene?
After that, I think I will thoroughly understand the genetics.
I do not have time this evening to translate.  Thank you.

Hope this helps,

thank you AUGEREDIN want to meet me well

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